“Honey, I can’t make it to the kids’ soccer game, Gideon just dropped some new 🔥 “

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I’ll read after work. I’m expecting self-advocacy vs self-help lol.

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Thank you for writing on this topic! I was just hanging out with a friend on Saturday who follows Dr. Annette Bosworth on YouTube who’s a big proponent of ketosis. He’s lost a lot of weight, and he’s enjoying it.

Terrence, what I worry about in terms of eating more meat is that I’m hearing that authorities are adding, or are planning on adding mRNA shots to pigs, cows and chickens. That makes me super hesitant. Now, your answer might be to buy organic, but sometimes we can’t all afford organic meat to consume on a daily basis. Can you help me reconcile this?

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👋🏾 Debra! Thank you.

Well at least for now there are no USDA approved MRNA vaccines for livestock. And so there are no mandates livestock are to be vaccinated. I think the best thing anyone can do is try to source from a local farm, or find one that is closest and willing to ship. Organic beef is just a marketing ploy. There’s really only grass-fed and grain-finished beef. Either is fine but I personally prefer the taste of grass-fed.

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I appreciate you responding so quickly. Thank you!

In the past, my husband has suggested trying to find a local butcher if we can, as he is further along on this type of journey than I am.😉 I think it’s time to be proactive.🙌🏾

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When I got to U talking about eating "cleaner" I missed the quotes & for a brief second, I thought U had gone off the rails😳😳 then I read "and it damn near killed me" and I was able to breathe again🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️😂😂

The problem with "dairy" ppl need the real shit- Real Raw No Pasteurization, No Homogenization- Straight Out the teet from GRASS FED FREE ROAMING Cow, Goat, or Sheep!! I been "lactose intolerant" my whole life, been consuming REAL Dairy since 12/23 & No more Lactose Intolerance🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ Imagine that🤔🤔 No human interference makes shit healthy again😉😉 Mad Love & Blessings King👑👑🥰🥰💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿🌴🌴

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😂 I’m never going back to that life!

I’m going to try raw dairy one day from a local farmer. It’s unreal how it’s been banned everywhere. Thank you!! 👊🏾❤️

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Well that's because it's Not Toxic🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️😂😂😂

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