They will hate you because you speak the truth
The real reason why truth is hard has nothing to do with ego.
"You're watching someone who hates the truth because it’s true. There's no possible profit motive that is driving that. There's no political end that is driving that. They hate the truth because it’s true. Now we're in the realm of theology." - Tucker Carlson
A few years ago, when I started down the path of better understanding the world we live in from a cosmological perspective —questioning everything I had been taught due to the very obvious lack of coherence in our world— I wondered if I was making a mistake. When I made the decision to acquiesce to my conscience and slowly back away from the traditional church I wondered the same thing. And when I released my book last year which recounts some of the demonic oppression I grew up with, I also questioned if I was on the right path.
Along the way I've learned something important. Truth is hard. It is very hard.
During my adult years, as I hopped from one church to the next, my gut kept telling me something wasn't right with the traditional biblical narrative we've all been fed. The narratives didn't match my real life experiences in dealing with the supernatural and subsequent trauma. Many years later and after conceding to the sweeping current that pulled me into more scholarly work, I now know I was right. Today, as I attempt to share this revelation with others, I find that for many I have conversations with, truth is too hard. The brainwashing runs too deep. I've lost friends to the roaring tidal waves of indoctrination and fear. Many, too scared to question what they’ve learned for fear of being called an apostate, or fearing somehow God can't protect them no matter where their journey for truth may take them. It makes me wonder, that if faith is only found in security and comfort, then is it really faith?
I've been around long enough to know that it's easy to pounce on Christianity or religion in general. This particularly happens because many people —yes many— are not educated on Christianity itself or the history of ancient humanity. It takes work to go beyond YouTube. I say all of this to point out the fact that the struggle for truth isn't a religious affair. It's a human affair that even secularists have trouble wrapping their minds around. Chiefly, because they fail to realize the interweaving of the supernatural and natural worlds we're all part of as a human race. The fear of and the struggle for truth is a human problem.
Truth hurts like a !#@$%
Today, I'm writing to you one week after being diagnosed with CIRS (Chronic Inflammation Response Syndrome). It's a pretty debilitating illness that I've been battling since I got back from deployment to Kuwait in 1997. Like many other veterans I was exposed to biotoxins —finally confirmed by the United States government just a few years ago— while deployed to Southwest Asia. I've currently started detox treatment so we'll see how that goes. I am very hopeful though. I believe I will be in a much better place within the next six months. Going carnivore last year gave me a rapid head start in terms of healing, but this illness often slows me down and is a stumbling block to all of my work, not just my writing. However, when you deal with what seems like a lifetime of illness you begin to pay close attention to health and humanity in general. My struggling health forced me to learn about nutrition, medicine, exercise, the human body, agriculture, psychology and the economy of food. In the end, I learned that we're all being slowly poisoned while being told disease is just a normal part of life. Thankfully there are many people —to include well respected doctors and physicians around the world— that are now exposing this very truth.
I remember battling with doctors before I was discharged from the Air Force, attempting to convince them that something happened to me while deployed. I also remember them thinking I was a hypochondriac while they wrote me prescriptions for acid reflux and antibiotics as they couldn't find a cause for my gastrointestinal issues. To my doctors, my symptoms were all in my head as it seemed inconceivable to them that the military would place veterans in areas that would destroy their health. To me, I was dying inside and I could only laugh at the irony of it all. I mean, did the government think they were deploying us to Disney World?
Today, I find myself trying to warn people that something is severely wrong with all of humanity. But the indoctrination runs too deep. For many, even when they learn that what we call food is killing us, the addiction to food is so strong they can't make the necessary changes to avoid disease. My friends, truth is hard. It is hard to hold, it is hard to give and also to receive. For many, truth is too terrifying to confront.
We unfortunately live in a time where it is believed that knowledge bears truth, when in fact it is only wisdom that can accomplish such a task. Many of our fellow brothers and sisters on this planet have become swayed by the words of politicians and academics with degrees from prestigious colleges. They fail to realize that the institutionalizing of knowledge is what actually leads to ignorance. It is only through the democratization of information that a society and subsequently a civilization can truly thrive. So when you tell people something that seems inconsequential, like eating red meat and fat is our species appropriate diet to avoid disease and thrive, they look at you as if you have two heads. Everyone has been programmed to believe items such as grains, seeds, nuts and plants — things of toxic scarcity and famine— are our healthy, super foods. Meanwhile meat, milk, salt, and the fat of the land should be negated or severely limited within a human diet because these are “unhealthy” foods. Sadly, many people fail to realize that if the current narrative were true, the human race could not have existed this long because plants don't posses everything our species needs to survive—hello supplements— nor does any plant grow all year round and in every region of the earth. We also can’t forget their natural defense mechanism for survival which is the production of toxins. What you see when you walk into the produce section of any grocery store is of a modern invention due to the rapid advancement of technology and global trade.
Truth is hard. And I can understand why as we've been lied to for all of our lives. A few days ago I made a comment to my wife, that I fully believe the human race is not living the way God intended for us to live. And that much of our accomplishments are built on hubris as we pat ourselves on the back. I don't know where we received the ridiculous idea that building more skyscrapers or advancing technology means "societal progress". When you look at all of the medicines created over the last several decades nobody is ever cured, only our symptoms are mitigated. We're lying to ourselves as we bathe in more toxins, create more pollutions, endure unnecessary mental and physical stress for unrewarding jobs in the machine, wreck our health, destroy more habitats for bigger and better facilities all while looking down our noses at our ancient ancestors and rejecting the God that created us. Truth, is hard. Very hard. Even when the evidence is sitting right in front of you.
But every once in a while I find glimmers of hope.
Glimmers of hope
I recently watched Episode 24 - The Roseanne Barr Podcast, featuring Tucker Carlson. As I listened to the conversation between Tucker and Roseanne I almost fell out of my chair, particularly when the very non-religious Tucker said...
"You're watching someone who hates the truth because it's true. There's no possible profit motive that is driving that. There's no political end that is driving that. They hate the truth because it’s true. Now we're in the realm of theology." - Tucker Carlson
What he said blew me away because I've been opining this very thought for a few years. In an article I penned late last year titled, The Connection Between Demons and Global Elitism, I had this to say:
It's in humanity's best interest to discern the point behind it all. In my previous article I mentioned that profit motives aren't a large enough prize to stifle the progression of the human race with disease or poverty. Not to the point of near extinction which is where we're headed as 60% of Americans have a chronic disease —40% bearing at least two. From a global perspective, 74% of all deaths are due to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). I believe there is more money to be made in cures that can be sold at a premium instead of heavily medicating symptoms from illnesses that shorten life.
It seems that people are finally catching on. When you really think critically about the direction of humanity it becomes apparent that something non-human is steering the proverbial ship and money has nothing to do with it. As Tucker Carlson said, "Now we're in the realm of theology", which he's absolutely correct. What's happening to the human race is much bigger than the human race. Those of a religious as well as secularist bent within our societies have failed to see this greater picture. It takes wisdom to see the forest for the trees. It's easier to spout that the world is full of evil men who are just trying to control people so they can become richer. Solving such a dilemma seems like a difficult, yet still possible task.
But what do you do when faced with a different reality? One where the world is full of demons who influence humanity so they may cull the population for future servitude? How do you fight such an affair? Especially in a time where much of humanity has rejected the supernatural narrative that is part of our origin story. Like the spies who were sent to Israel during the exodus, it is easier to just avoid the giants in the promised land than wage a war against an enemy you see no way of defeating, let alone comprehending. It is easier to avoid the truth which would ultimately deliver our salvation.
During the interview Tucker also mentioned that people of today don't know anything about our ancient history, including himself. Our ancient past is so overlooked because of our hubris. Truth is hard and it’s easier to just ignore or pretend that our ancient history is not relevant to today's world. Many people believe they can win the wars of today without knowing why the wars exist or who our real enemies are. Pride is the folly of man. We are not the first advanced civilization nor are we at the precipice of civilization. My hope is that we humble ourselves before it's too late.
Something else that stuck out to me during the interview, was the conversation around the institutionalized hostility towards truth. We see this from media, the government, NGOs, corporations, politicians and members of the general public. It's as if something is in the water which turns people into hostile, mindless zombies. People literally hate the truth and we live in a time where it's almost impossible for individuals to admit when they are wrong. But this is no surprise as our society has, for all intents and purposes, lost its mind. While I could cite numerous examples of this all I really need to point to is one —the issue of transgenderism. While this may seem trite, this issue alone penetrates the heart of all humanity. We've become a species that no longer recognizes itself despite what the evidence communicates. The precursor to this debauchery was abortion —when societies around the world convinced themselves that murdering unborn babies was only murder if it took place outside of the womb. Unless of course the death of an unborn child was caused by a drunk driver or an abusive husband. Then the "inside outside" rules can change.
When do trees become clouds?
When does fire become cold?
When is the sky the ground,
and what are the lies we're all told?
Now here's where things get really interesting and again why I have hope. Roseanne mentioned while we —our collective society— is ignorant to what happened before us, she believes those who run the world aren't ignorant. Tucker admitted he never thought about such a proposition —that perhaps we're all being purposely kept in the dark as it concerns the ancient past of humanity. I couldn't agree more and there is evidence of this. If you read my article titled, We are the lost civilization of the future, you may remember my comment about Graham Hancock's attempt to gain access to certain ancient ruins, as well as certain archaeological finds. We now know that there are ancient finds that for some odd reason, are kept from the general public. Who would want to do that and why? Shouldn't all information related to our ancient past be available to the general public? Not unless such finds would topple longstanding narratives we've all been fed to believe about our existence. Findings that may cause us all to question the entire field we call science. Findings that may cause us all to question what we know about the human race and the cosmos at large.
Why they hate the truth
Truth is hard. It is hard because its consequences can be great. Truth is not just a matter of correctness or facts over fiction. Truth is a state of being that exists as the sober underpinning for all that is. The absence of truth ushers in an existential collapse of the very existence of everything we know. For what is anything if it is without truth?
This is why truth is hard, and this is why the powers —the giants— that influence humanity hate the truth. Because once truth has been dissolved, we can all fall victim and be controlled by the lie. And the lie, is everything that opposes the Creator of truth.
As I've mentioned in the past, humanity was given a very significant role in stewarding the natural realm. The entire domain was given to us with God's authority (see Genesis 1:26) to exercise dominion on the earth. Sadly, part of the lie has disillusioned people into thinking humans evolved from single-celled bacteria out of primordial soup by a random incident spawned from an origin of chaos. The lie is that humans are in a sense, subservient to creation since we were thrust from its dust by accident. The truth, is we were placed here to rule over the earth with a God given right to do so. To forget our identity is to jettison our species into extinction.
Truth is hard. It has serious consequences. And truth will cause you to rethink everything you've ever believed. This makes it easier to believe the lie. My plea to you, is to find the courage to begin questioning everything. Don't seek out truth in order to be right in a sea of lies. Ego must take a backseat. Instead, seek out truth so you may learn what it truly is to be human in the midst of giants who desire to corrupt all of humanity. For it is all of humanity that is at stake.
Thank you for reading. Feel free to leave comments as I’d love to hear your thoughts.
"Truth is compared in scriptures to a streaming fountain; if her waters flow not in a perpetual progression, they sink into the muddy pool of conformity and tradition."
John Milton
Truth IS hard--even for those who genuinely believe they want it. To know--to learn-- the truth has always set me free--but why does it always piss me off first?
I just finished watching this very long video that the majority of the church would not tolerate. This is a lesser point of the video, but it turns out the destruction of the twin towers were printed on $20 bills--in 1996. Did you know the destruction of the Hoover Dam is also printed on our currency? The content creator goes into greater detail about the Hoover dam destruction, printed on our currency in video, one, proceeding this one.
I don’t know if I agree with every single one of the myriad of finer points in this video series, but I don’t seek complete agreement with anyone anyway. It would be useless to, given how often I’m learning, something new, and needing to change my mind.
“What you know can keep you from what you need to know, unless you remain a novice.” Bill Johnson