I need to warn you as you endeavor reading this edition. The topic of demonology is exhaustive which means there is a lot that I simply can't cover in one article. I'm going to do my best in providing an extremely high-level view and subsequent framework for the topic concerning demons and their relationship to the elite that hold global power. You will most likely come across concepts or points that you've never heard of and that's ok. I do want to stress that it is important to understand the framework I'm going to lay out because without it, the powers at be will continue to have the upper-hand. If there are points you'd like for me to deep dive into for future articles, feel free to let me know and I will do my best to do so. I will link a couple of scholarly resources at the bottom if you want to delve further into this subject. Hopefully, by the end of this article you will have just enough information to begin to see the thread that needs pulling.1
In our day there's much talk about the global elite who stand as the super powerful, well connected, and exorbitantly rich players who run the world. This includes everything from dominate financial asset management organizations such as Black Rock, Vanguard and State Street to governmental and non-governmental world organizations, national governments, tech billionaires and elected officials whose sole purpose is to keep their job by manipulating the public. These are the players who are deemed responsible for the world's ills; poverty, economic inequality, disease, pandemics, war, culture clashes and general suffering. And to be fair much of these plights do originate by way of human hands so blame should be laid at the feet of men and women regardless of ethnicity. At least, some of it. The problem, however, is that much of modern society fails to recognize where the rest, if not most of the blame should be laid.
It's in humanity's best interest to discern the point behind it all. In my previous article I mentioned that profit motives aren't a large enough prize to stifle the progression of the human race with disease or poverty. Not to the point of near extinction which is where we're headed as 60% of Americans have a chronic disease —40% bearing at least two. From a global perspective, 74% of all deaths are due to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). I believe there is more money to be made in cures that can be sold at a premium instead of heavily medicating symptoms from illnesses that shorten life. Simply dying of old age has become a rarity. The truth of the matter is our current global society is more diseased today than in any other period in recorded history. Who is really at fault for this recent trend? Are people the only culprits? History has showed us there's more to the story.
A light framework for those in the dark
Demonology can be a hard topic to discuss chiefly because of the many bad ideas people hold that concern it. These ideas have often been seeded by places such as the modern Church, Hollywood movies and even academia —oftentimes intertwined which further obfuscates the truth of this matter. One of the main reasons I wrote a book centered around this subject was to help dislodge these bad ideas, introduce more coherent thinking on the topic while also shedding some light on how we —humans in our modern day— should be operating as stewards of the earth. How I fell into this area of concern isn't something I would wish on my worst enemy.
I became interested in demons and all things supernatural when I was a child. This wasn't something that originated in church, halloween, or scary movies but instead from a very real hellscape located in Plattsburgh, New York. I wrote about these horrors in my book —which I tell of my crippling doubt on reality combined with stints of insanity as I dealt with demonic oppression. I also shed a few thoughts on some of the unfortunate perspectives modern day society holds in regard to all things supernatural but in particular things of a demonic nature. For example, there are those who claim to believe in the existence of supernatural evil but aren't really living as if it's a reality outside of lip service. Then there are those who are convinced the supernatural evils written about in ancient materials were simply musings of old men's imaginations and therefore doesn't exist. Lastly, there are those who claim our ancient forebearers were simply ignorant and didn't know how the world worked and invented gods to “fill in the gap”. This is all very unfortunate as these positions are a detriment to our modern society.
Over the years I've come to learn that if anyone is attempting to fill in the gaps, it is us. It is the modern man that is struggling to understand ancient humanity, not the other way around. And it is modern man who is attempting to understand how life evolved to what it is today. We are the gap fillers. We have a good understanding of what and where as it relates to the past but not of why, how and at times who.
The architecture of the supernatural realm —or in fact all realms— isn't structured the way many people have been led to believe. For example, the idea of fallen angels from Heaven who've become demons led by an omnipresent being known as Satan is a modern day invention. One of the unfortunate circumstances that contributed to this narrative was the improper rendering of the Hebrew word “satan” which actually means adversary —and is not represented as a personal pronoun in the Hebrew Bible. It is in fact a common noun that includes a definite article —"ha satan"— which is to say “the satan”, or “the adversary”.
To complicate matters even further, the very term demon does not have an equivalent expression in the Semitic languages.2 Here is a summary from John Walton:
“No general term for “demons” exists in any of the major cultures of the ancient Near East or in the Hebrew Bible. They are generally considered one of the categories of “spirit beings” (along with gods and ghosts). The term demons has had a checkered history; in today’s theological usage the term denotes beings, often fallen angels, who are intrinsically evil and who do the bidding of their master, Satan. This definition, however, only became commonplace long after the Hebrew Bible was complete.” 3
I'll stop here before we get too deep. My point for calling this out is to shine a light on the fact that when it comes to understanding the supernatural realm our perspectives often don't align with our ancient ancestors despite the fact they left us their materials on the subject. This lack of knowledge adds complexity to the conversation concerning powerful oligarchs who are attempting to control the planet.
Cash and fame for souls is bad thinking
I am a firm believer that there are some very evil, rich, and powerful players that are manipulating the most important aspects of our lives —things that concern education, health, medicine, finances, culture, and politics. But I'm not a big believer in the idea that these individuals are all masterminds of the highest order, manipulating the entire human population to essentially create an impoverished controlled society. I want to be clear here because there's nuance in what I'm saying. I am not saying that a controlled, diseased, and impoverished society is not the direction we're headed in. I'm simply saying, I don't believe this is the chief aim of those esteemed as the global elite. I believe it is a result of their hubris in thinking they can step in to "make the world better". We will see the concept of attempting to unify all of humanity into a monolithic society later.
Most people have heard of "selling your soul to the devil". It's a common expression used to show distain towards someone's moral character. The idea being the morally defunct character is willing to do anything, including selling their soul in order to achieve a certain objective. This is a common theme you will hear concerning government officials, elite Hollywood actors and artists in the music industry. I will never forget the interview of Crunchy Black—from the rap group Three 6 Mafia— where he tells the story of when he met the devil. There's a very real sense of fear and trepidation in his voice. An awareness of a reality most people can't fathom. One where people make deals with evil in order to "level up" in life.
This begs the question: What is the chief aim? What do demons get out of the supposed deal? Many may think the obvious answer is the poor wretch's soul. But that answer is found wanting because most people willing to make deals with evil are already workers of iniquity, or are already moving in the direction of eternal destruction. Plus, it's not like demons receive some sort of trophy for suckering some poor soul. There's no leaderboard for demons to track who's raking in the most souls. Humans come and go. Whatever a man or woman gains they lose when they die. And all empires eventually fall.
We need to do better with our thinking. If we're going to espouse the idea of evil global elites trying to control the earth or demons operating behind the scenes then we need to fully understand what is taking place. We need to know what the chief aim of it all happens to be to propel us past weak ideas such as "cash and fame for souls".
The setup of cosmic geography
I've touched on the idea of human hubris and ignorance in previous articles. I will continue to beat that drum until people start waking up. Our modern day way of living has created a blindspot for humanity. This blindspot has brought about a lack of awareness to the thematic connection of evil in our day and the evil during the times of ancient civilization.
When we think of ancient civilizations and their way of life, it's important to understand how they perceived all of creation and why. Much is misunderstood about these people and what they believed. The Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Canaanites, Egyptians, Israelites and other ancient near eastern civilizations universally believed in a blended creation —one where the supernatural and natural worked as one. Their belief was such that the supernatural could influence or even manipulate the natural depending on the strength or rank of the entity worshipped. Contrary to modern day popular belief, they didn't use the invention of "gods" to understand how things worked. They simply believed deities could manipulate the things that did work.
A simplistic example of this would be the story of Moses where YHWH defeats the gods of Pharaoh with the 10 plagues. Here was YHWH manipulating the natural world to prove a point to the Egyptians about the ineptness of their gods. Another example would be the Erra Epic flood account, which parallels the Biblical flood account. In this story the god Marduk is the one responsible for sending the great deluge upon the earth. One more example would be the Egyptian's belief system in Ma'at for maintaining cosmic balance by living moral and just lives. To do the opposite would be to invite chaos into the universe which would remove the favor of the gods —allowing the possibility for famine, disease and poverty to strike the land. Again, the perspective on life held by these people was not one of filling in the gaps as "scientific" explanations for how the natural world worked. It was one of duality, believing that the natural could be influenced or manipulated by the supernatural yet they harmoniously worked together. Unfortunately, due to our misunderstanding of their cultural milieu the false claim of inventing gods in place of science continues to be propagated. In fact you can see evidences for ancient people's technological prowess. We can look at the Sumerians alone as an example of a people that pioneered mathematics, irrigation, astronomy and astrology. These people knew and appreciated "science" contrary to popular belief.
With a better understanding of our ancient forebearer's view of the supernatural and natural realms, we can now investigate their relationship with the gods and why they felt the need to worship such beings.
To truly understand the architecture of both realms we need to first understand why these ancient civilizations worshipped different deities to begin with. To help us answer this question we can look at a passage from a very familiar ancient piece of literature we call the Bible —specifically the book of Deuteronomy.
8 When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.9 But the Lord’s portion is his people, Jacob his allotted heritage. - Deuteronomy 32:8 (ESV)
The significance of this passage is that it accounts for how humanity was divided and placed under the geographic jurisdiction of the sons of God. The sons of God are deities known as lower class gods who fall under the classification of elohim. Elohim can be defined as disembodied spirits that include demons, God's council members, spirits of the dead, sons of God and even Yahweh. The sons of God are the chief beings responsible for bringing about what's known as the second rebellion in Genesis 6 —where they cohabitate with women and spawn the Nephilim giants.
I'm sure you've at least heard of the Tower of Babel incident captured in Genesis 11. This story takes place post global flood and it informs us of how man was in the process of building a tower to reach the heavens. This tower was an ancient temple known as a ziggurat, which would act as a portal to reconnect the heavens back to the earth —the original connection being severed due to The Fall of Adam and Eve. The Babylonians were known to build these temples which originated during the time of the first great leader, Nimrod. It is at this point in history where mankind is forcefully divided and dispersed throughout the world due to their language becoming confused. Humanity's work on the tower ceases and the idea of a monolithic society united in rebellion dies.
Deuteronomy 32:8 picks up this story and leverages it to explain how God portioned out a specific group of people which would later be known as Israel (Jacob) while the rest of humanity is divorced from God to live under the watch of other elohim. Reason being, humanity once again refused to follow God's instruction to disperse, be fruitful and multiply as His stewards. This is the second time this command is ignored. It was previously stated in Genesis 1:28— and then again in Genesis 9. Humanity rejected this call to build the gateway.
And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. - Genesis 9:1 (ESV)
God effectively divorces Himself from the rest of mankind and soon after, these supernatural beings —who were allotted portions of humanity all divided by geographical borders— began to lead humanity astray. It is at this point where the worshipping of other deities across different lands begin (see visual).
These beings are the instigators of large, sweeping changes within societies. War is a good example. You see a glimpse of this in the book of Daniel with the concept of supernatural princes —another title for the sons of God. Daniel 10 gives us insight into the reality that supernatural beings own cosmic domains over natural geography.
20 Then he said, “Do you know why I have come to you? But now I will return to fight against the prince of Persia; and when I go out, behold, the prince of Greece will come. 21 But I will tell you what is inscribed in the book of truth: there is none who contends by my side against these except Michael, your prince. - Daniel 10:20-21
This passage captures the moment Daniel is met by a supernatural being, Gabriel, during exile and this being was held up by the prince of Persia. Gabriel was returning to fight against this prince in order to usher in the prince of Greece. If you know a little bit about ancient near eastern history, you'll remember the Persians were conquered by the Greeks who were later conquered by the Romans. Daniel received this prophetic knowledge before these historical events occurred. Receiving revelation from supernatural beings was a common theme in ancient near eastern religions. Supernatural foreknowledge was a gift from the gods and part of the transactional relationship between deity and worshipper. This is an important point that helps us understand the world we live in. As long as worship was offered, the community was under the protection of the deity and also received insight into the functions of the cosmos ranging from astronomy, weapon making for war, to botany.
What we have not yet accounted for are demons —at least in the sense that is most familiar to people today. As we saw earlier, this wasn't a common term used in ancient near eastern religions nor is it heavily used in the Hebrew Bible. Instead, a term commonly used is "evil spirit" —supernatural entities that oppose God. Again, part of my goal here is to keep this article brief in regards to the topic of demonology. But the point I want to drive home is that an evil spirit is a broad term and can be used for any disembodied being that opposes God. With that said, there is a specific type of being that is important for our discussion. These are the evil spirits considered to be the brood of the Nephilim.
If you remember the story of the 2nd rebellion you know the sons of God are supernatural creatures that served God. The short version of the story is some left their appointed positions which was to stand watch over the earth from the heavenly realm. They leave their position and sleep with the women of the earth. The women then bare giants due to the supernatural influence on the human genome. But these giants —who were also called evil spirits— would die just like humans. However, their spirits would become trapped in the earth as wanderers as they were a bastard creation —not of the earth or of the supernatural heavens. These wanderers possess, oppress and influence humans. They work in concert with the supernatural forces that exist over cosmic geographic locations in rebellion to God.
So from a high level the architecture looks like this; there are rebellious supernatural beings often titled as princes that hold authority over certain geographic domains. Humanity was portioned out to them during the period of Israel's creation as a people and subsequent nation. This is coupled with the evil spirits that roam the earth as trapped wanderers who inflict harm on humanity. They are all working together towards one common cause in a single act of rebellion.
Now that we've established somewhat of a framework to operate from we can begin to deduce what this means for all of us living today.
You will serve
History has taught us that there are indeed cosmic forces at work —supernatural ones. And these forces continue to operate with two main objectives; control and power. Ancient humanity was well aware of this fact but in order for a society to be prosperous, devotion to supernatural deities was required. And its this predicament that humanity still faces. The play is simply this; the more society becomes degraded and humans debased, the more desperate society will become. Out of desperation the unbelievers will become believers and the apathetic will be jettisoned out of their slumber. Our modern day civilization is not the first to doubt what is considered impossible. But I would argue we're the first to reject our history as nonsensical fabrications or ideas from the ignorant and crazy. Are we really willing to say the Sumerians, Akkadians, Canaanites, Israelites, Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Romans, Greeks, Incas, Phoenicians, Mayans and many others who provided the bedrock for humanity today were all just ignorant goat herders because they have a recorded history of interacting with the supernatural? That would be very, very presumptuous.
While there are certainly global elites who are exercising their control over humanity, ultimately there are much more nefarious actors behind the scenes directing humanity to a catastrophic end. These beings have existed for thousands of years and understand humanity much better than humanity understands itself. The end goal isn't control and power for rich oligarchs. The end game is control and power over humanity, bringing us all to our knees so that in order to live a "prosperous" life we will yield our allegiance to any deity claiming to deliver on this promise regardless of the conditions. This ultimatum includes the global elites who are nothing more than pawns.
Like many of our ancient ancestors, people will be willing to sacrifice the most sacred of things in order to prosper. There is a reason why mothers were willing to burn their children alive upon the alters of ancient Mesopotamian gods. The amount of desperation and persuasion that must exist not for one or two mothers, but for a community of mothers —and fathers—to take part in such rituals is incredible and inescapable. Something pressed these people to ignore every human instinct and do the unconscionable. It takes much more than ghost stories and conversation to convince entire communities to reach such lengths.
If we as a global society fail to wake up and realize who our real enemies are we will eventually fall in the footsteps of our ancient ancestors. And history will include us and our practices with the twist that future societies will never know the impetus for our behavior, leaving them open to repeating the past yet again due to hubris.
This is the loop.
For additional material on Demonology see the works of "Dr. Michael Heiser; "Demons" and also "Supernatural Realm".
“Henrike Frey-Anthes, “Concepts of ‘Demons’ in Ancient Israel,” Die Welt des Orients 38 (2008): 38–52.”
“John H. Walton, “Demons in Mesopotamia and Israel: Exploring the Category of Non-Divine but Supernatural Enemies,” in Windows to the Ancient World of the Hebrew Bible: Essays in Honor of Samuel Greengus, ed. Bill T. Arnold, Nancy L. Erickson, and John H. Walton (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2014), 229–46 (esp. page 229).”
I've got to cut my nails or start using the laptop I can't edit and it bugs me when predictive text changes you're to your. Amongst other errors. Lol
Have you read Enoch? I seriously loved this. Anthropology, biblical antro,ancient history and theology is something people steer away from a lot. Well put together how spiritual warfare is real and your right about the hubris of man. Fear God for that is the beginning of all knowledge. Good stuff. I could talk about this stuff for days. It's why I'm so popular 🤣🤣. As someone who believes in Jesus you can't ignore how he even references Jasher/Enoch. The interwoven belief systems of the ancients came primal in us. Noah's wife was a dependent of Tubal Cain who was of Cain. That evil spirit that tempted Eve was most assuredly there when Cain slew Able. In Enoch he lists the fallen and how that correlates to the God's the ancients worshiped is fascinating as Enoch predates Job even which is older than the Torah. I'm sorry you went through oppression to that extent.🙏