Jan 6th was part of one long PSYOP.
Learn to recognize certain tactics used by the government, MSM, and Big Tech to help protect your mind.
One of the chief reasons I started this newsletter was to help people see that the world was much larger, more complex and nuanced than perceived. This isn't an easy thing to do. Most people see the world through a very carnal lens and so every problem is a human problem originating from a human enemy that needs to be destroyed in order to bring about a human victory. As someone who's spent most of his life dedicated to understanding the supernatural realm I find it to be an incredible tragedy that so many people can't see the impetus behind much of Earth's chaos. Solomon was right when he stated "there is nothing new under the sun". The events of January 6th —like many "tragic" events before it— continue to make this painfully obvious.
Fear in the wind
Back in 2016 I noticed a very dramatic shift in the atmosphere of the United States. At the time I was producing a podcast called UpNorth Kingdom. This was a pivotal point in America's history as we were nearing the end of President Obama's second term. Donald J. Trump was running for office at the time and I remember what felt like the entire world was being flipped upside down. It was as if people were turning into zombies, no longer able to think critically while developing an insatiable appetite for blood. Lots of blood. None of it felt right. The scale and quickness of it all signaled that something supernatural was taking place.
In a short matter of time the country became split in two and you could feel the tension in the air. A man that most people respected had supposedly turned into Satan and was parading the streets promising to "Make American Great Again". Sure, today many people will deny they ever respected him, watched The Apprentice admiring his blunt character, or dropped his name in rap bars as if he had some sort of street credibility, but I remember those days. Now, it's no longer kosher to speak of President Trump unless you're disparaging him. His dissenters will go as far as bringing up his name in contexts that have nothing to do with him, just to signal to the world, "Hey pick me! I'm one of the cool kids." If you want to be part of the cool club, get accepted to the barbecue, and not be labeled as some sort of xenophobe who hates all of humanity, past, present, and future, you need to get accustomed to berating him whenever his name is mentioned. Critical thinking skills not required. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
One of the things I consistently mentioned on my previous podcast was that the timing of it all seemed really peculiar. Sure, there was a bit of racial tension when President Obama was in office but for the most part I remember people within our American society exercising a bit more respect for one another. It did seem like we entered a new, better chapter in America's history. Social media hadn't yet risen to the depths of hell filled with narcissistic ghouls jockeying for attention to fill some need in their life. However, the moment Trump decided to run it was like the kraken had been released. Secret audio files of his locker room talk were given to the media. Women came out of the woodwork claiming he was a rapist. A decades old story surfaced about his discriminatory practices concerning housing units under his organization. We were told the 50 Ku Klux Klan members in Georgia were mounting a massive come back and he was the new grand wizard. Then the Russia collusion story grew legs and started running with breakneck speed. Police everywhere were "suddenly" gunning down unarmed black men and this was because of racism fueled by Trump. If Trump was to get elected the stock market was going to crash, the global economy was going to collapse, we would be thrusted into World War 3. I remember thinking that someone, somewhere is trying to protect some thing, because we just reached ludicrous mode. All I saw were millions of chicken littles complaining that the sky was falling yet the sun was still shining.
At some point, one has to realize when predictions are starting to sound a bit too farfetched. That realization never came. Guess what? President Trump was never found guilty of rape, the stock market didn't crash under his watch, the global economy didn't crash under his watch, no wars started under his watch, the Ku Klux Klan didn't mount any comebacks, we've learned the Russian collusion story was indeed a hoax and cops are still gunning down unarmed black men. Who would've thought? When none of these claims blossomed the media painted him as the poster child for the global pandemic and its effects. Yet, many people can't bring themselves to realize they're being played because they've been indoctrinated to embrace blind rage.
While many people were determining if they should leave the country or not as they saw the world ending, I simply saw an injection of fear into the atmosphere for every citizen to unknowingly breathe in. Everyone had been whipped into a frenzy. So much so that it was near impossible to have civil dialogue over any issue because every issue had become completely polarized. Everyone was afraid to "be on the wrong side of history" and overnight turned from a mild manner human being into a superhero activist junky who got their fix from social and mainstream media. I lost count on how many social media profiles included the terms activist or intellectual.
I remember receiving emails from people who thought my podcast was becoming too political, or that I was a "Trump supporter" because I was warning people about the poison in the air. It was hard for people to shake the indoctrination and discern the difference between supporting someone and calling out the united nuclear attack against an American citizen, waged by the government, Big Tech, and main stream media outlets. To those who hate Trump, calling out the crimes of the government and the media automatically meant you supported him. Many people doubted there was a government led initiative fighting against him because it didn't align with the views of the camp they chose to be part of. Yet, years later the cat is released from the bag in the form of the
Twitter Files providing evidence for what was once considered a conspiracy theory by right winged zealots. There's been a pattern of this over the last few years. People are labeled conspiracy theorists by the media. They’re later proven right. The media never revisits the past to correct the record.I can understand how this sort of thing happens. Fear is a powerful weapon. I'd argue probably the most powerful weapon outside of love. Years ago I had a conversation with a co-worker concerning our government and their desire to control narratives and society as a whole. I was taken back by how upset he became when I hold him the government has the capacity to, and often does harm its own citizens for a perceived greater good. He told me point blank that he just couldn't accept that as the thought was too scary. He simply refused to believe the government could stoop to such lows for its own sake because to him, the government existed for the people.
However, what we've seen historically are governments doing exactly this. A bitter example is China. This is a nation historically known for its extreme poverty, largely due to bad economic policy —instituted by communists who run the government —which once rejected the idea of free market capitalism. The government didn't care about the millions of deaths that occurred due to starvation or the egregious levels of poverty in its country. The government cared about its control over its citizens and corporations. The government cared about the government. China's situation didn't improve until economic policy was modified in the late twenty-first century, paving the way for a free market. This move was made only because the government saw a benefit to itself. This benefit made its way down to the people.
Then there are those thought to be corrupt today such as the governments of Nigeria, Somalia, Haiti, Russia, Mexico and North Korea. How do citizens of a nation benefit from corrupt leadership? They don't. Only the government does.
It's easy to think the United States has avoided such a fate until you consider its bloody past. America didn't originate out of kindness and civility or care for its fellow man when the nation was founded. Everyone knows this. Native Americans know this best.
In fact, most Americans perceive the U.S. government as corrupt —a trend dating back to well over a decade and many are starting to believe there's a future where taking up arms will be necessary.

Dozens of federal lawmakers and at least 182 top congressional staffers are violating a federal conflict-of-interest law known as the STOCK Act. Others are failing to avoid clashes between their personal finances and public duties. - Insider
The problem is so widespread that Insider launched the investigation initiative "Conflicted Congress" as a way to expose corrupt lawmakers in the American government. An updated list of 78 law breakers was released earlier this year. I don't even need to get into more recent events such as the debacle that is the COVID-19 vaccine or the accounting error made by the Pentagon to the tune of $6.2 billion —money sent to Ukraine while Americans are struggling due to the government's desire to play with our monetary policy like a child who can't stop flipping a light switch on and off. Yes, clearly I have children.
Last month disgraced Congressman George Santos was charged with conspiracy, wire fraud, aggravated identity theft and other crimes. This man literally attempted to break every law possible as if life was Grand Theft Auto.
If you're still not convinced our government is full of corruption, please see the recent revelation "Secretive White House Surveillance Program Gives Cops Access to Trillions of US Phone Records" so you can learn how the government is still working with AT&T to illegally collect phone records of Americans who are not suspected of a crime.
I'm huge fan of the brilliant economist, Thomas Sowell, who wrote:
“The free market may work best when there is a level playing field, but politicians win more votes by tilting the playing field to favor particular groups. Often this process is rationalized politically in terms of a need to help the less fortunate but, once the power and the practice are established, they provide the means of subsidizing all sorts of groups who are not the least bit unfortunate. ” 1
“No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems —of which getting elected and re-elected are number one and number two. Whatever is number three is far behind.” 2
I believe its through this lens we should view the government at large. Many people believe the government's job is essentially to protect and supply the needs of its citizens. I don't believe this is true. I believe the government exists to protect and supply the needs of its citizens to the degree it can first protect and supply its own needs. If sowing division, increasing inflation or eroding the civil liberties of its citizens bolsters its cause, then so be it. From our perspective we may ask, "What is a healthy society without healthy and free people?" The government may ask, "What is a healthy society without the government?"
You will believe the Jan 6 narrative
This brings us to the events that took place on January 6, 2021 —the supposed attack on the Capitol. When it all went down I once again felt the same breeze of fear blowing in the wind I experienced in 2016. This just all seemed too convenient and the footage of police escorts into the Capitol, lack of security at entrances, planted bottles of water past each barrier, masked bad actors, a guy getting a bullet in the face but still hanging out to protest, and random police officers without badges didn't help. We were told to ignore all of that and then the narrative ensued. Despite Trump being on record for requesting peace and civility more than once, his statements were ignored by the media. Instead they hyper-focused on cherry-picked tweets to encourage the idea that, while he wasn't the mastermind of this "insurrection", he certainly spurred it on. Therefore, Adolph Hitler. Again, critical thinking not required.
Recently 44,000 hours of footage have been released to the public. Once again the practice of Labeling Psychology that I mentioned in an earlier article ensues. Instead of just releasing the footage so the public can make up their own minds, mainstream media has to first seed the idea that if you have an alternative opinion, you're a far right conspiracy theorist. See exhibit A: New Jan. 6 Videos Released—Launching Wild Conspiracies From The Far Right.
Labeling theory is an approach in the sociology of deviance that focuses on the ways in which the agents of social control attach stigmatizing stereotypes to particular groups, and the ways in which the stigmatized change their behavior once labeled.3
The problem, if you haven't noticed, is this is how indoctrination of a society takes place. Someone else has already made up your mind for you. Whatever you see or hear will now sit against the backdrop of "crazy right-wing nut job conspiracy racist theorists", and nobody wants to be in that camp. Now that the footage has been released, mainstream media and other puppets will be in full force to tell Americans how to interpret what they see. The narrative must stay alive at all costs.
I've learned in my lifetime that the best lies aren't really lies. The best "lies" are true accounts mixed with lies. This equals deception. A really good example of this can be seen in the book —later made into a movie— The Da Vinci Code. The author, Dan Brown, was a master at this. Around page 7 or so he states his book is a work of fiction. However, throughout the book he interweaves conspiracy theories, fake accounts and events with true historical accounts. Decades later, many people still parrot events that aren't true about Catholicism or Christianity —ideas that stemmed from his book. Yet, in his own words the book is purely fiction.
Then there's the story everyone is familiar with, the serpent in the garden who uses God's own words to deceive Eve. The thing is, the serpent never actually lied. He simply used truth to deceive his audience. The progenitors of this tactic within the spiritual realm are still using this method to deceive humans. We simply don’t possess the capacity of knowledge that they do because our lives are too short-lived.
I believe this tactic is being used not just on Americans, but on people around the entire globe. The objective is to mix truth with lies to the extent we can no longer discern the two. Discerning then becomes the job of the government through the arm of mainstream media and tech companies —remember the Twitter Files —to help us all "know" what the truth is. Your government will control the narrative, telling you what to believe. Today, opposing views will get you silenced. In the future, the consequences will be much worse. After all, the government can't have a bunch of rebels riling up the American people, sowing dissent towards the powers that be, messing up their plans.
A lot of people doubted the narrative of the events that took place that day. Tucker Carlson had a lot to say earlier this year concerning the "insurrection" in an interview with Russel Brand. He was just trying to understand what went down and was pegged a conspiracy theorist. Like me, he knew something wasn't quite right due to the harsh reaction received whenever anyone asked any questions. I've learned that whenever there's an extreme reaction to asking questions, the truth is being buried so the lie can be resurrected.
I'm also going to leave you with some footage of the Jan. 6th event that I came across, produced by Wooz News.
I have absolutely no idea who they are but I found the footage pretty damning as they broke down what's wrong with the "insurrectionist narrative". Their videos were originally removed from YouTube –no surprise there as we can't have people forming differing opinions. I'd encourage you to watch the footage but also watch other footage from other sources. Then, use critical thinking to form your own conclusions about what went down and what is currently taking place in our nation.
Remember my friends to protect your mind. Once they've taken that, they've taken everything.
Thomas Sowell, Basic Economics
Thomas Sowell, Dismantling America: and other controversial essays
Simply Psychology: Stigma And Discrimination: The Roots Of Labeling Theory
Two weeks to stop the spread!
The racial tension surged under Obama, but under the radar. There is an online study which showed racial terms used online spiked right after Occupy was quelled under Obama. It was planted. From there it grew. But make no mistake, it was a psyop of distraction. The 99% movement turned into this landscape by design and manipulation.