For years I often wondered what caused people in our particular milieu to look down their nose at our ancestors. Those who managed to survive all that the world threw at them —the harsh conditions, barbaric wars, lack of modern technology, natural disasters, plagues, and famines. Not only did our early ancestors survive, they managed to thrive —building impressive temples, traversing the planet after megafauna, developing writing systems, populating the earth, constructing aqueducts, and navigating the land plus seas simply by learning the stars. What we owe our ancestors is incalculable. We are clearly forever indebted to their genius, resourcefulness, determination, and grit.
The older I become, the more I realize just how indebted we are and also how much our modern day society belittles our ancient family. While we might appreciate their efforts, we don’t really appreciate their beliefs or ways of life. I understand why as we’re not taught to hold such an appreciation for them. We’re taught to care about their physical contributions that made it possible for current day humanity to live a more progressive and easier life. We care about their technology.
Starting in our youth we’re taught to view ancient history through the lens of indifference. Therefore, the only parts of their history that are deemed important are the parts that support the narrative of human progress. Everything else —their culture, religious beliefs and subsequently entire way of life is disregarded as nice to know, but irrelevant to our modern day society. Asking the existential question of “why” is often avoided in our society as answering the “what” is so much easier.
The linear progression narrative of the human race is indoctrinated within each and every one of us the moment we enter grade school. Here is where it all starts. We’re all taught about the evolution of man spawning from non-existent primates. Supposedly before us Homo Sapiens there were other species that walked the earth and we’ve progressed into what we are today. Growing up, I always found this narrative a bit lacking. However, the intelligentsia will comment that you’re a fool for disregarding the “evidence”.
I often wondered where the smoking gun was for such a claim —that humans evolved and iterated through several species before modern man arrived. The truth is, the evidence has always been lacking. In fact, there’s only roughly 6,000 human fossils that have been dug up and used as proof for the evolution of Homo Sapiens theory.
This from the Smithsonian National Museum of History:
From skeletons to teeth, early human fossils have been found of more than 6,000 individuals. With the rapid pace of new discoveries every year, this impressive sample means that even though some early human species are only represented by one or a few fossils, others are represented by thousands of fossils.
The word impressive is used but considering there are currently over 8 billion people living on the earth I don’t think 6,000 human fossils is impressive. Not even a little bit. While one could easily argue that the earth didn’t hold as many humans thousands of years ago, to claim that 6,000 human fossils, scattered across millions of years is impressive is honestly a bit insulting to the intelligence of a thinking person. At times, just one human fossil has been used to represent an entire human “species”. It’s really just a game of “fill in the blank”. And the elite within academia are the ones who get to play.
Imagine 10 million years from now, one human fossil from our Homo Sapien species is found, but that one fossil is of a human born with a deformity. Does that one fossil represent all of the Homo Sapien species? Obviously the answer is no, however, this is precisely how “science” is done. We’re all told to except such ridiculousness and if you don’t you must be a crazy young earther.
I knew something was wrong with this narrative when I was a child and I didn’t need any religious indoctrination to encourage me to think differently. It just seemed obvious to me there wasn’t enough evidence to make such claims about people who apparently existed millions of years ago. As usual with science it changes, shifts, adapts or simply buries earlier proofs. I’ve learned that “science” —and I’m putting it in air quotes to personify it like everyone does these days— always has a “Get Out of Jail Card” because it’s science. So I wasn’t surprised when the narrative shifted from humans evolving from a single line to evolving from a branch of earlier species. The reason the narrative changed was because the limited amount of fossil records obtained couldn’t support the earlier claim of humans evolving over millions of years from one line of human species. So in order to fill the gap, the old narrative was replaced with fossils representing different eras of the human species. The intelligentsia then tied a bow around this idea by claiming we’re bound to our ancestors via an ancient family tree —each branch representing different fossils or species.
You and I are supposed to believe this new narrative as if the previous narrative never existed and push on with our lives. We’re supposed to ignore our gut instincts which will eventually lead to a hardening of our natural instincts and senses. That’s the goal of the system that we live in. This way, we forget. And sadly we’ve all forgotten.
I believe the narrative concerning our ancient ancestors has been redefined, reshaped and molded in such a way that we no longer share an affinity with our ancient human family. We use terms like “early man” to describe them as if we’re cut from a different and better cloth. Everything we do as humans is through the lens of progression and the need to move forward. We can’t go a day without thinking about the advancement of the human race through the developments of new technology and science. Technologies that can be used to create new medicines to prolong our lifespan or even jettison us off the planet into the stars. We’re taught that the old is no longer relevant.
I believe we’re still being lied to. Not only do I reject the idea of the human species evolving —which by definition actually means loss of genetic information for the purposes of adaptation, not the gaining of new genetic information for preservation— I also reject the notion that every ancient civilization, while brilliant, was also so stupid that they invented gods to cope with life. There’s zero evidence of this. No ancient person has ever claimed gods were invented and used to cope with life, yet our modern intellectuals have decided to claim it for them. That’s a problem. A thinking person, with integrity, would first ask why people of antiquity believed in gods and then search why from their own words. You don’t fill in the blank with your own answer. And if you don’t know why, simply say you don’t know why. It is hard for people to think this way today. Why? Because of progress.
We have no problem creating stories around the supernatural, the paranormal, or believing in the existence of superior alien species that look like they’re on their death bed flying advanced technology. But mention the gods of old and people scoff, laugh, and claim they’re myths. People ignore the thread running throughout all of humanity. The thread that ties humanity to the supernatural. This is easy to do when you avoid the hard work of trying to determine why and focus solely on the what.
Why does academia get to define the stories of old as myths? Who gave them that right?
It reminds me of the very popular but naive atheist line, “If God is real then show me.”
“Who am I to command God to show himself”, I would rebuttal.
And so it is with the supernatural world. Despite the countless supernatural stories from around the world since the dawn of humanity, people today still scoff at such claims as myths or figments of one’s imagination. From a heart of arrogance and ignorance the intellectual retorts, “Show me the supernatural if it is real.” As if any human can simply command beings from another realm to appear.
The inability to command the supernatural at will isn’t just a modern day dilemma. Ancient man couldn’t just summon the supernatural for coffee and donuts by snapping their fingers. I’ve come to realize modern humanity does not know what a supernatural being is. It’s as if people think such beings are like pets, or animals kept in a zoo. All you have to do is show some treats or yell a command and here they come! Ready to perform non-stop tricks for our enjoyment. I often worry about our species. I’m not sure we’re going to make it.
Pretty much every ancient society worshipped and had some relationship with a god or gods. So much so that they were willing to wrap their entire culture around their cultic beliefs. They often went as far as sacrificing their own children to appease the gods —communicating that they were willing to give up anything in return for their god’s favor. This often left a society guessing what their god demanded in return for such favor. This happened across all ancient civilizations except one.
There was only one God throughout all of ancient history that made His commands clear and Himself known through a personal relationship. That was Yahweh, the God of Israel and subsequently all creation. This relationship with Israel was different from the business transactions other nations experienced. When God issued the 10 commandments it wasn’t to make Israel aware of right and wrong. They already knew right from wrong. It didn’t take the issuance of the 10 commandments for the Israelites to realize being held as slaves was wrong. They served a different purpose. God issued the commandments onto two stone tablets to show there was a contractual agreement between Himself and Israel, plus what was required to keep the legal agreement valid. A stone for each party —which was customary in the ancient near east as a way to bind treaties— was produced. This is something no other god had ever done. And contrary to popular belief, actually delighted the Israelites and made the other nations jealous (Deuteronomy 4:5–8).
Why would the other nations be jealous? Because the other nations believed Israel’s God was real. People of antiquity weren’t monotheists. They didn’t believe only one god existed. They were in fact monolatrists —worshipping their own god or gods while believing in the existence of other gods they didn’t worship. Monotheism is a modern day concept. It is an idea we’ve all been programmed to believe.
A prime example of monolatry in action is in the story of Jonah —the prophet who runs from God after being told by Yahweh to call Nineveh to repentance. Upon the ship where Jonah was hiding, were sailors who worshipped other gods. During a great storm the ship’s captain calls on Jonah to cry out to his God in hopes that He will spare them, while the other sailors cried out to their gods. This is a clear cut example of monolatry in action. The other sailors accepted the fact other gods existed. And when the sailors found out that Jonah was running away from Yahweh —the one who created the land and the sea— they panicked and tossed him off their ship. The sailors understood there was a hierarchy of gods within the cosmos and Yahweh was top brass. To anger Him meant trouble for everyone involved.
We see another example of monolatry in the story of Moses and Pharaoh. In ancient Egypt it was believed that Pharoahs existed as vessels for the god Horus. In this historic event there was a battle of the gods that took place with Yahweh besting the gods of Egypt.
Fast forward into the 3rd century and you’ll find one of the early church fathers, Tertullian—in his famous Apology— writing to the Romans that their “gods” were really demons parading around as gods. Tertullian didn’t reject the gods of the Roman pantheon. He simply claimed they were posers.
The people of antiquity didn’t debate the existence of other gods and whose religion was true. These are modern day ideas fabricated to create division within humanity and to encourage forgetfulness of how the cosmos is actually architected. The ancient debates around religion were centered around whose god was the best or most powerful.
What’s important to note here, is that humanity has always believed in the existence of gods and recognized their role within the cosmos —good and bad. The litany of ancient scriptures, stone tablets, temples, stories passed down, and carvings left in caves by ancient civilizations scattered across the globe can’t simply be written off as myths. I believe doing so is a major reason why our current world has the problems it has today. We, as a human race, have become arrogant and allowed humanity to fall under the influence of demons due to our worship of technology —the machine. These beings work covertly because currently it is the most effective way to work as they cull the human race. Unfortunately, we live in a modern society that loves to make bold claims concerning things that happened millions of years ago. We dismiss the evidence our ancestors left for us because it’s hard to believe. We speak for the dead and make assertions as to why they believed what they believed. We’ve become increasingly ignorant and arrogant while chasing technological progress. All while moving backwards.
As I wrap up I want to share something. There’s not a moment that goes by that I don’t wonder what else we’ve been lied to about. While I have my own suspicions as to why we’ve been lied to and where we’re all going, I still can’t shake the feeling that there is so much more hiding in the dark. My challenge to you, is to start questioning what you’ve been taught about the human race. Don’t take what you’ve heard on the humble simply because someone used the word “science”. A word that humans made up. Don’t fall for the narrative of progress. I fully believe we’re living in a fabricated reality and the workers who built this machine aren’t imbeciles. In fact, I’d argue that they’re geniuses not to be underestimated.
Gods are real. Our ancestors weren’t crazy or ignorant fools. We’ve just simply been programmed to forget. And everything they left behind was to ensure future humanity remembered.
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Not being an avid reader in the past I have found myself lately wanting to learn instead of just scrolling, thanks for sharing your insights and keeping people like me interested !
You wonder what else is a lie? Here’s the answer- everything!
The one God concept was developed to have control over the masses.
One God that only a selected few could communicate with.
This kept the masses from thinking they had access to the many Gods and therefore were reliant on the kings and priests to do their bidding.
You must now give your worship,obedience and assets to the royal ones!