I spent the earlier part of this week laid up on my couch dealing with an upper-respiratory infection. Despite my battle with chronic inflammation (CIRS) I actually don't find myself getting sick much these days thanks to going carnivore. But when I do, it wrecks me since my immune system is already under siege from an "always on" low level baseline of inflammation. It also pisses me off as I don't like contracting illnesses. My wife calls me grumpy but internally I'm at Threatcon Delta, or what's now called FPCON Delta. As far as I'm concerned my body has been infiltrated by microscopic, suicidal, gremlin bombers. So to me, this is war and I'm willing to chew through my enemy's chest until I reach their spine so I can floss with the splinters of their vertebrae —that kind of pissed.
With that being said, my fellow warriors, I had a completely different article teed up for release. However, out of frustration I was tempted to sideline another majestic mosaic of brilliant word tapestry so I could vent the hatch over the limbic system. Or in short, let off some steam. So this is me delivering fair warning, that today I'm just not in the mood. I was up all night sharpening my weapons. I like things that slice. Guns are cute but they're not intimate. They've taken the warrior out of the war. And when warring against giants I desire the intimacy of an up and personal kill. Where I can look them dead in their murky eyes and read their entire history from birth while knowing I'm doing the world a great service by eviscerating their soul from the body. And the older I get, the less "in the mood" I'm finding myself because I'm tired of witnessing what appears to be an entire race of mortal human beings captivated under a spell of willful ignorance and pleasure. Seriously. You f'cking know donuts can kill you! So stop eating the little poisonous sh!ts so you can live! I digress.
As I stewed like a pot of roast beef over the last few days I kept asking myself why I was sick. Yet, I already knew the answer. It's tantamount to asking why my skin is black. Simples, futon brain, your parents are black. Why are you asking? But I wasn't really asking because I needed an answer. I was just caught up in a rhetorical game of self-torture that kept raising the temperature of my fever the more I asked. You know the answer futon brain! It's because viral illnesses of today are the result of man made biological warfare weaponry.
I've believed this for decades. People thought this was all conspiracy theory nonsense until COVID-19 hit and the truth finally let out about its origin in Wuhan, China —coincidentally the same place that houses the Wuhan Institute of Virology. People really became flabbergasted when they learned the United States was funding virus research in Wuhan, China. Then in an effort to save face federal funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology was suspended in 2023:
"The move was undertaken due to WIV's failure to provide documentation on WIV's research requested by NIH related to concerns that WIV violated NIH's biosafety protocols," an HHS spokesperson said in a statement.
It really gets suspect when you consider in 2019 The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201. What was Event 201 you might be asking? It was a high-level simulation exercise for pandemic preparedness and response. I present to you the press release straight from WEF:
The exercise will bring together business, government, security and public health leaders to address a hypothetical global pandemic scenario. It will also feature a live virtual experience from 08.50 – 12.30 EDT to engage stakeholders worldwide and members of the public in a meaningful conversation of difficult high-level policy choices that could arise in the midst of a severe pandemic.
And in a wild twist of coincidence, irony and fate stylized in Kabuki theatre COVID-19 broke out and delivered a global pandemic. Right on cue. Yet our own government in conjunction with the media was trying to convince the world that there's no evidence the pandemic stemmed from any specific incident at the lab and that it's origination was owed to the "natural origin" theory —spawning from an animal in the wild. And why would there be any evidence? There's a reason no smoking gun —aside from good ole fashion common freaking sense— was ‘ever found.
Enter the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), which is a legally binding treaty that outlaws the creation of biological arms. Thus far, there are 183 states-parties with 10 who have refused to sign or ratify the treaty (Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Israel, Kiribati, Micronesia, Namibia, South Sudan and Tuvalu). I'm not going to call out the obvious oddball in that list. Wait, I guess I just did.
And there's a major problem —since the inception of the BWC there have been numerous "violations" which oftentimes leaves the offending parties looking like this:
Here's why:
Since the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) has no existing verification or inspection procedures to verify compliance by its signatories, cheating on the treaty might be done with no outside proof to the contrary. It is entirely possible that even a small and relatively poor state might successfully embark on a biological warfare program with a small capital investment and a few dozen biologists, all of which could be secretly housed within a few buildings. In fact, a biological weapons program might also be within the technical and financial reach of a terrorist organization. In summary, the degree of biological weapons proliferation is highly uncertain, difficult to detect, and difficult to quantify. 1
So without any true method for verification, how is compliance really handled? Simples! The parties use the honor system.
The treaty regime mandates that states-parties consult with one another and cooperate, bilaterally or multilaterally, to solve compliance concerns. It also allows states-parties to lodge a complaint with the UN Security Council if they believe other member states are violating the convention. The Security Council can investigate complaints, but this power has never been invoked. Security Council voting rules give China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States veto power over Security Council decisions, including those to conduct BWC investigations. 2
This is South Park level comedy.
States-Party: ((Ring ring))
UN Security Council: “Sup homies?”
States-Party: "Yes, UN Security Council, we believe one of our states-partners is developing bioweapons and violating the treaty."
UN Security Council: "Again? Please submit a formal complaint and someone will get back to you at their earliest convenience. Maybe. Yeah probably not. OK look, definitely not. You probably should just call them up and sort it out amongst yourselves. But file that complaint homie!"
This mean we should immediately drop whatever fantasies we've been led to believe about the boundaries of biological warfare. There's zero oversight and absolutely no accountability. While Russia is often blamed as a previous violator of the treaty —because Russia— what do we find in Ukraine? That's right, bio-labs funded by the United States —the hero in every movie! A couple of years ago, the idea that Ukrainian bio-labs existed was lumped under the conspiracy theory banner so you'd appear as an inebriated lunatic for believing such lies. Then Robert F. Kennedy Jr. drops this gem during a Tucker Carlson interview last year
"But now, when you do develop bioweapons, it needs a vaccine so you develop them side by side because in 100 percent of the cases when you deploy a bioweapon, there's blowback. Your side also gets sick."
Vaccine! Wait! Did somebody say vaccine? More vaccine please!!!
What another coincidence. More vaccines keep getting created and administered every year. We're led to believe it's because the earth and all it's animals are becoming more increasingly dangerous to humanity. Birds, monkeys and pigs everyone! Birds, monkeys, and freaking pigs!
I hope you're following the rabbit trail I'm leaving because there's f'n pellets everywhere at this point. These demons are doing this in plain sight. And for the record, the U.S. Department of Defense has a Biological Threat Reduction Program in Ukraine. If you want to believe it's only for the sole purposes of baking sugar-laden blueberry pies to fatten up little Ukrainian children before their fed to the witch, then I've got an invisible bridge with a direct path to Heaven's gates to sell to you.
The deal is, nothing is verified, validated, corroborated, fact-checked or even given a glance in this world filled with power hungry demons who are creating biological weapons right under our mucus filled noses.
If humans needed this kind of vaccine protection in order to avoid extinction we would've already been dead thousands of years ago. The reason why you get sick, why I get sick, why you can sneeze, cough or breath into the air and 100 people around you catch your plague, is because it's a biological weapon administered to you, a rat in a lab.
I've learned to listen to my gut over the years because frankly I've seen some really hairy, unexplainable sh!t. Like watching my family on lockdown for months only for some random @ss cough to start with one of my children. Then for it to spread to another kid, and then another. When nobody's stepped outside for months. Only to watch the cycle happen again, in the same exact order, starting with the same child months down the road, causing my wife and I to think this isn't a virus but some harbinger of death that operates on a cycle we don't yet understand. Perhaps it's living in the shadows like a super villain, hiding under beds or pillows powered with the ability to eternally respawn itself back into the game once defeated. It's like a ticking time bomb just waiting for the perfect opportunity to raze everything in its vicinity.
Look, I picked this lock a long time ago. We've all got some deadly weaponry that is idle yet relaunches at an appointed time. I know what you're thinking. T, you're losing it man. No, I told you I'm done and ya'll need to know what the hell is actually going on in this world.
Over a decade ago my oldest daughter was vaccinated according to the "proper schedule" at her 18 month visit. Two weeks later she loses her ability to walk and her mood completely changes. She's more emotional and nothing like herself. We thought maybe it was a phase and that she just reverted to crawling out of comfort. However, by the second day we started getting concerned because she was not for being up on her feet. Thankfully by the end of the second day whatever it was lifted. Just as quickly as it came it was gone. She became her normal self. Neither one of us thought much of it, especially since we were new parents without any idea as to what to expect with kids.
That was until our second daughter went in for her 18 month vaccination cocktail. Two weeks later like clockwork, while my wife is changing her diaper she starts screaming and panning the room like she's being attacked by invisible hobgoblins. She kept looking past my wife as if she was seeing something. My wife eventually got her to calm down after several minutes but then noticed her refusal to walk. Whenever she tried to stand she lost her balance, just like her older sister. Her mood changed and she spent the next several hours crawling around. But just like with our first daughter, she snapped out of it and was herself again. Luckily the episode didn't last for two days. It was then my wife realized it was the 18 month vaccine that caused the same exact issue at the same exact time in two of our children so she refused to follow the CDC schedule going forward. We had no spastic, loss of balance, irate freak-outs with our subsequent children since rejecting that demonic CDC schedule. This is why whenever I hear vaccine advocates speak about the improbability of vaccine induced injuries I begin to space out and only hear the voice of Charlie Brown's teacher in my head. It makes me want to build a spaceship out of legos and convince them to take a ride on it so they can visit another planet with brilliant scientists who also believe eating shards of glass is a top tier treatment to curing hemorrhoids. Why? Because no peer-reviewed studies seem to suggest it's not! So what you witness with your own eyes doesn't count. Yay for science glass eaters!
The advantage my wife and I have, is that she made the amazing decision to give up a career in order to stay at home and raise our children many years ago. This means that everything involving our children gets caught. Things that would've been hidden within the confines of a daycare center are exposed. I know for a fact kids are reacting to these immunizations but a lot of parents aren't aware because they don't have eyes on their children in our hyper-feministic world.
All of this plays into cultivating a mindset of illness normalization. Nobody bats an eye at the 79 immunization doses children receive. Every year, like mindless zombies people line up at the pharmacy to get their annual flu inoculation knowing damn well that virus has already mutated 90 ways until Sunday before the needle hits their arm. Why? Because it's already been programmed to mutate so we're all just dogs chasing our tails.
Nobody bats an eye anymore at the list of drug side effects that takes the entire length of an advertisement to even name, thus leaving drug companies to just plop them up on the screens in tiny font or they simply recommend you speak to a doctor about them. I remember a time when you could name a drug’s side effects and none of them involved strokes, seizures, paralysis, growing a second head or creating an entirely new illness prompting you to get a new drug with more side effects. This is how non-drug addicts become drug addicts.
Nobody bats an eye at the fact that the Cancer industry is an industry at all or that its drug market will reach USD 311.81 billion by 2032, yet there's still no cure. Well, there is a cure —just nothing that is FDA approved by our demon overlords to make money from. And it's like this with everything. There aren't any cures and the entire human race is under a global health crisis. There's just more drugs, more vaccines, more "medicines", more bullsh!t and everyone keeps falling for it out of desperation and fear. It's time to come out of the matrix and stop feeding the beast. The human race couldn't have survived and thrived up until now if this was all necessary.
We've allowed illness to become way too normalized. Being sick is not normal! Fluids dripping from your face is not normal. Your head pounding in a raging fit is not normal. Your skin breaking out in hives, boils and blisters is not normal. Being obese is not normal. Arthritis is not normal. Losing your appetite is not normal. Brain fog is not normal. Getting the flu is not normal. Being on the spectrum is not normal. But we've allowed the demonic overlords to convince us it's all normal. Hey are you sick? Simply pick up some decongestant or headache medicine on your way to infect your co-workers with only God knows what is ticking inside of you.
No. How about this? When you get sick, keep your crusty @ss at home. You and your crusty children. It's not normal and none of us truly have any idea as to what weaponry we're carrying around. The next time you waltz down the pharmacy aisle, tell yourself this is how the beast is fed. They're laughing and mocking each and every one of us. All of it is a scheme from the pit of hell that we pass onto our children to repeat the cycle. Out of the hundreds of synthetic concoctions wrapped in brightly colored boxes designed by some hungry portfolio building intern, not one actually cures a damn thing. The hope is you'll be quick to make a purchase to alleviate your immediate symptoms and later return several times to find the perfect mix of lemon juice berry flavored "do nothings". No. Instead, focus on self-healing. Become a detective to discover how you fell ill. Eat a proper human diet. This is what we would've done 500 years ago. Getting sick would be an emergency. The whole tribe would be at risk if we allowed walking viral contagions all up in everyone's space. Hello quarantine? Put your body into nutritional ketosis and put down the friggn donuts, mucinex and moo-moo tea. It's all poison. Even the medicines are poisons.
A few days ago I came across a video of a man dying of cancer. His wife had shared their family saying goodbye to each other with the world. Frankly, it ticked me off. My anger wasn't based on the sharing of the video but of this family losing a husband and a father to some demonic horsesh!t that can be prevented. And I realized in this moment, that so many people cry out to God and wonder why He doesn't intervene in such tragic affairs. Doesn't this upset Him? I know it does. Then it hit me like Mike Tyson biting off Holyfield's ear. It's us! It ain't Him. We chose to live our own way and we can't now b!tch about the consequences. We're not angry enough with the results and we should be and personally I’m well past angry and coddling feelings.
God gave us this planet to steward —in a specific way— while being fruitful and multiplying and instead of picking up our spears and tossing them into the heart of every giant that is working to subject us to hell we fold like a house of cards. The human race seems to be really good at throwing tantrums and playing the victim. We're more likely to take someone's head if they cut us off in traffic, break into our homes or steal the last Krispy Kreme we've been eying. But assault the human race by wrecking our food supply; pollute our bodies with toxins; inject us with bio-weapons;...mnah we good. Just walk it off homie. Follow the science homie! Just take some mucinex homie! Email your congressman homie! They'll find a cure eventually homie! Just run another marathon and give a donation homie! #insertnewkeyboardwarriorhashtaginsteadofpickingupajavelin
We're not angry enough. This is our planet and our responsibility. We're one family. We've been given one job by our Creator. We need to man the hell up and start flipp'n doing it because we're allowing ourselves to be casually taken out as a species while fantasizing about spaceships on Mars. And truthfully, the way we're going the only creatures that will be left to pilot the damn things will be the birds, the monkeys and the pigs.
Thank you for reading. Feel free to leave comments as I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Fluids dripping from your face is not normal. Your head pounding in a raging fit is not normal. Your skin breaking out in hives, boils and blisters is not normal. Being obese is not normal. Arthritis is not normal. Losing your appetite is not normal. Brain fog is not normal. Getting the flu is not normal. Being on the spectrum is not normal.
Hi Terrace
I’ve got a couple of articles you like to read as I bust a few paradigms and give you a new perspective on why these symptoms arise. Click on my blue icon to find them.
What causes a cold or respiratory dis-ease?
The establishment’s model of blood and lung physiology fails under scrutiny. I’ll explain why.
We breathe air not oxygen.
Air is measured by its moisture or humidity Eg its at 45% humidity today
Oxygen is measured by its dryness Eg medical oxygen has 67parts per million or less of water contamination.
The lung alveoli requires air reaching it to be at 100% humidity, that is dew point.
Can you comprehend the mis-match?
Oxygen is manufactured by stripping air of moisture. Oxygen is a product of air NOT a constituent of air.
There is no wild/natural oxygen in air. Oxygen becomes nitrogen with the addition of carbon particles to become a non-flammable version of oxygen. I have a link to a demonstration of this on my stack, a home oxygen concentrator is used.
The lungs are responsible for re-hydrating the red blood cells as they pass through the alveoli capillaries with salt water. The red blood cells are salt water sponges.
The saline intravenous drip rehydrates red blood cells and aids the lungs.
The insult that causes respiratory dis-stress is dehydration. It’s seasonal because cold air holds the least moisture and indoor room air often dries out with heating.
The dry mucosa must re-establish itself and the production of mucus goes into overdrive. The mucosa requires salt and moisture and it will move both from any bodily reserves. This causes pain as the extraction process goes into motion.
Now you know why the old remedies are successful.
Salt water gargles, nasal irrigations/inhalations and chicken soup / bone broth soups.
Sanatoriums were built along coastlines to take advantage of sea spray because it was known to heal injured lungs.
It is time the COMMONS reclaimed the knowledge of hydration and healing.
Hydration equals salt plus water.
Healing begins with hydration.
Oxygen’s toxicity is directly related to its power to dehydrate. Reactive oxygen species ROS describes damage due to dehydration.
Oxygen on release from a container will extract moisture from its surroundings to become air, its natural state. Oxygen released inside the respiratory tract extracts moisture from the mucosa and the delicate alveoli causing dehydration. This can kill.
Oxygen is a prescribed drug. It is primarily prescribed for the terminally ill. Palliative care is not kind.
We all need to comprehend the difference between air and oxygen. Read the material safety data sheets for oxygen and nitrogen. Both have unconsciousness and not breathing listed under inhalation.
How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?
I point out the symptoms of dehydration so you can remedy the problem asap.
I explain how dehydration is an emergency situation and this is why it is managed by the adrenals. And to move out of the fight/flight/freeze mode you need to get salty.
My son has Autism . I will tell you this before his Vaccinations before school he was a different child. He loved being around people. I couldn’t keep him in the house. He would disappear at b at various neighbor’s houses. He
Especially loved going to a older woman’s house beside us . He was bubbly after the shots my son became different. He became more shut in /He really doesn’t like to come out of his room. Yet they say vaccinations dont cause Autism or have any significant side effects. I believe parents who know their children and they saw them change before their eyes. They say the science doesnt support it well scientists can b bought, their conclusions can be biased. All you have to do is read a psychology book to read how people have manipulated their own data for various reasons. I’ll trust parents who have no ulterior motives in this . All they want to do is share their story. They get no accolades, grants for research but they do get ridiculed and chastised .