By now you've seen the imagery of Hamas supporters — living in the United States— burning the American flag at our nation's capital as well as defacing our monuments. To be completely honest with you, I have mixed feelings about it all, but probably not for reasons you'd expect.
My mixed emotions spring partly from the fact that I'm a military veteran. Like many others I share great dissatisfaction and even distrust with our current government. However, the tremendous sacrifices that many have endured over the centuries in order to protect the freedoms of American citizens is immeasurable. The lives lost, the trauma carried and families broken in order for America to stand as a pillar of freedom and hope to the world seems to have been either forgotten or simply disregarded.
There's a part of me that is angered by the display of degeneracy that took place at our nation's capital. That anger laid squarely at those who commit such a betrayal towards a nation that has provided them with freedoms, only for them to act like a pack of wild jack asses on whiskey. But I also feel sadness and great disappointment in the citizens who stood around filming, jockeying for social media street cred instead of intervening. These are the people that I and many others put our lives on the line for. All of it makes me question if it was ever worth it. I see a nation who took what was given to them —freedom by way of blood— as a gift for granted.

If you've followed my writing than you'd know that I am in staunch opposition to the demonic genocide that is taking place in Gaza. It is nothing short of apartheid which has been smoothed over by mainstream media's insidious twisting of the truth. Anyone with half a good eye trapped in a dark room can see that there's no such thing as a real conflict.
It's been reported that the daily death rate of Palestinians in Gaza is higher than any other major 21st century "conflict", with over 250 people killed per day. These aren't Hamas soldiers being slaughtered by the boatload either. They are mainly civilians. This is a slaughter perpetuated by cowards who wrongly believe God is on their side. When you see children being used as target practice by Israeli snipers the only conclusion one can come to at this point is Israel and its supporters have slipped into blood lust. This is demonic influence at work. Period. And I don't give a rat's ass how anyone feels about my declaration of the truth. With that being said, I also don't support Hamas. I do understand their grievance against Zionism and I also share it. If anyone is confused, you can see it on full display in Gaza. However, terrorism is also cowardly, sinister, and evil.
As I watched the circus of anti-Americans burn our nation's flag and raise their own, I couldn't help but wonder where the Americans were? The fact that this act was allowed clearly telegraphed the fact that our nation isn't just divided by political faction or ideologies, but also in spirit. How is it that non-Americans —yes, you are non-American if you're burning our flag and defacing our monuments— can boldly unite and commit such an atrocity in America, yet Americans just stand around and watch? Where is our courage? Where is our unity? Where is our fight? How did we become such a docile nation that allows anti-Americans in so they could ransack our homes? Millions of dead military veterans are rolling over in their graves right now. To think we all served for such disrespect. It's bad enough that veterans are often treated like second class citizens but this, this is some next level ish.
Many may not be willing to admit it so I will —America's spirit has been broken. I can't think of any other government that would allow foreigners in, bus them to their nation's capital, and allow them to burn that nation's flag and deface their monuments in broad daylight. I mean WTAF?
If you were reading about the latest events that are taking place in a history book, you'd assume that America had been defeated. Why? Because raising your own flag in another nation's capital or capturing another nation's flag meant you had conquered that particular nation.

I believe the severity of what we're all witnessing has been lost on many people. The burning of our nation's flag and the raising of another is not just some trite, disrespectful act. It is a very clear message that America has been broken, dethroned and conquered. Everyone in the world received that message. The entire world saw America's citizens too scared to fight back or intervene, paired with an inept and frankly corrupt government who has allowed this to happen on U.S. soil. How a society can become so outraged when their presidential nominee isn't elected, or an unarmed black person is murdered by a cop, or 2A rights are threatened, yet when people who hate us and our country walk in and give us the middle finger and everyone tucks tail is really freaking bewildering to me.
The only way opposition can plant their flag in another nation’s soil is when the spirits of a conquered people are broken. For all of the bravado, I see a docile country that has become too comfortable on the verge of a major collapse.
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Terence, I lost both an Uncle on D. Day in 1944 and a brother in Vietnam in 1968. I honor your own service as a military veteran, as serving in that capacity is a very brave thing to do. I have no great love for the current administration. I will disagree with you, however, that this great nation is done. It is deeply wounded and yes, in dire need of repair and restoration.I agree it has become spoiled by the many years of prosperity and power. I also disagree that Israel is at fault in Gaza. Horrors of war are horrors of war, just like Oct. 7, 2023 and the horrendous slaughter of Israeli citizens. Israel is surrounded by her enemies. I do not know what else they could do in the face of the desire of Hamas to not only conquer Israel but also to kill all Jews. What a terrible legacy for the people of Gaza, caught in the middle of this awful mess!! I cannot believe that all Gazans love Hamas?? I do not believe the IDF is turning dark, although in the fume of war, I imagine there are very bad things happening. Turning back to God and His Son is the way I have survived to age 71, after years of rebellion and sorrow. I brought my sinful behavior before God, repented with a broken heart and contrite spirit. I want deep and profound healing for this nation I love, which includes steep repentance and humility and a return to the roots of our Biblical heritage, regardless of whether one is a follower of God and His Son. The Biblical concept of "civil self government" is an excellent one. Not at all easy but a good idea. With respect, sir, I offer this comment. Wendy
….and the media covers you like you are a hero.