For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. - Ephesians 6:12
I was born and raised in America. My mother and father were also born and raised in my home land and so were their parents. Both of my parents served the country by enlisting and eventually retiring as veterans of the United States Air Force. I spent four years in the same branch of the armed forces before deciding that I had enough of military life. I don't know if there's anything more patriotic than signing away your sovereign rights as a person to the government of one's country to be used as an instrument of power. But it was something I voluntarily did and in some regards proud to have done it.
Like the majority of Americans —and I imagine like many natives of other countries— I grew up under the belief that my country was the greatest regardless of its past transgressions. America, we're taught, is the ultimate symbol of freedom, purity, democracy, moral correctness, liberty, power and wealth. It is essentially Rome reborn and we're all told that if you work hard enough there's absolutely nothing you can't accomplish or obtain under America's banner. Your dreams can become reality with enough grit and determination. This country, my country, which has designated itself as the beacon of hope for all lands across the globe has an almost irresistible pull. So much so that every year millions of people immigrate to America in hopes of obtaining the dream —often risking their lives. To be fair, if I lived in a country that didn't offer such hope I too would consider fleeing to America in pursuit of a better life.
Despite the opportunity to live in or visit different countries as a military dependent and veteran, I was still molded solely in the image of America, complete with horse blinders. From the moment we enter the public education system we're indoctrinated with the victor's story of conquering and progression. America is always the victim turned hero or savior in every narrative. From the fleeing of persecution under the powerful fist of England's Church to the holy work of redeeming the souls of African savages made into slaves, America we're told, embodies the quintessential spirit that all nations should aspire to embrace. Yet, this is the land that fought for its own freedom while denying the same hope from many others.
While we may acknowledge our country's sins, American programming has hardened our hearts towards its own moral failures. This is by design and it is precisely why we will continue to repeat past sins. We're all indoctrinated to simply focus on the future, the road ahead and to not mind what is caught in our peripheral. We're told to seek the stars so we may leave Earth behind. These blinders —which are represented in the education system, media and government— work as distraction mechanisms to encourage the idea of human and societal progress. This type of ideology provides permission for a country to run roughshod on the basis of altruism without giving any thought to the consequences. When damage is later assessed like the effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, it is minimized. Why? Because of progress. We're told that we have to prepare for the possibility of a more deadly and future global threat. Who has time to admit mistakes when there's progress to be made? Yet, much time has been given to the fostering of what appears to be mass formation psychosis of its citizens. Much energy is directed towards ensuring the herd shares the same mentality. Failure to comply will result in the culling of the herd. And so progress marches on.
Despite the lack of so-called scientific evidence of such a psychosis which is thought to cultivate mob mentality, I stand by my belief that many humans are disconnected from reality. Chiefly because part of our programming consists of erasing the story of our human history. This is why in our modern era people are still searching for ancient truths regarding humanity. Despite the mountain of archaeological, paleontological and recorded human data, we're still a lost civilization.
Programming is why we have humans today who disregard the supernatural as a reality. People have been indoctrinated to believe the supernatural stories of old should be considered myths, which is simply ancient history wrapped in lies and ignorance. These lies are packaged and peddled to humanity as a sign of intellectual progression. Anyone caught believing in the stories of old is discounted as an unintelligent caveman. This is the psychosis. This is the true disconnect. It is the failure to know what it means to even be human. To ignore this supernatural reality is to strip away the honor, dignity, sovereignty, and value of humanity. This is the aim behind forcing a society to wear horse blinders. The goal is accomplished when we simply focus on the future as we're told the past is where failures and mistakes lie. The past is full of ignorance and absent technological advancements. The past is devoid of science and discovery. The past is full of struggle and hardship. Keep pressing at all costs has become the motto and I believe America is championing this global cause. So here we all stand, gathered as one human race without a unified origin story with no understanding of our past and absolutely no clue as to where we're being jettisoned, yet marching with absolute certainty into the unknown. The failure to recognize what is tantamount to a reprogramming of the human civilization has grave consequences for America and all other nations.
I haven't been alive for half a century yet, but I've been around long enough to see the declining of America’s “Pax Romana”. There's seems to be something significant about the 200 year mark as my country is clearly spiraling out of control. My programming tells me I should be more optimistic and that with enough grit, determination and high performance the ship can be turned around. But my spirit tells me something is amiss. And it's at this precise juncture that what I'm about to share will be immensely difficult for those who reject the full meaning of what it is to be human. Because to some, all that exists is the programming. Nothing else can exist without it.
I don't believe it is a coincidence that America —like Rome— grew to be the most powerful nation in the world, built on a river of blood, only to last two centuries before experiencing a cataclysmic downfall under the sheer weight of its own corrupt power. In fact, I think it is supernaturally orchestrated and there appears to be evidence of such previous activity given to us by our ancient ancestors. I understand that some will find it hard to believe. To wake up one day and realize everything you thought you knew about life was a total fabrication can lead to a mental breakdown. I get that the supernatural is a concept that is hard to believe. And I get that many people still believe nobody can truly know the truth about this realm and its relation to humanity —that's part of the programming. It's a door most people do not want to go through. I understand it is easier to live in the Matrix then outside of it. However, the uncanny account I want to share speaks for itself. And to be frank, we're getting our asses handed to us as a human race because our pride won't allow us to acknowledge our true reality. It's time we start digging deep for real answers because what we're doing now and the worldview that's been fabricated to lead us all astray isn't making anything better.
In fact, something I find to be incredibly fascinating is how humanity keeps pushing for progress while not realizing it is moving backwards. The level of mastery over the human race exhibited by certain supernatural beings is nothing short of mind-bending. There's a level of insidious genius that is overlooked and under-appreciated. We're not moving forward. We're all moving backwards and back into the clutches of the supernatural darkness our ancestors warned and wrote to us about. I'll explain.
Many people believe the story of the Son of God dying on a cross was merely about covering sins. That is because the programming has seeped into the church so the narrative has been altered to remove the full supernatural backdrop our ancestors once understood; the reality of the supernatural war, which had the Son of God lead a rescue mission under the cover of deception to reclaim humanity out of the grasps of its supernatural rulers. These entities —good and bad— are real and our ancestors wrote about them because they are real, not because they needed an explanation for how water falls out of the sky. Not only are these entities real, they also effectuate change on the earth, influencing human decisions and going even further such as ushering in the rise and fall of nations.
One of the clearest examples of supernatural entities perpetuating the downfall of nations is captured in the book of Daniel. For the sake of brevity —as this topic can get quite academic and lengthy— I will narrow our focus down to a specific bible passage while offering what could be considered the cliff notes version of the event.
20 Then he said, “Do you know why I have come to you? But now I will return to fight against the prince of Persia; and when I go out, behold, the prince of Greece will come. 21 But I will tell you what is inscribed in the book of truth: there is none who contends by my side against these except Michael, your prince. -Daniel 10:20-21
While the timing of when the book of Daniel was written has been debated for years —6th or 2nd century— the events of chapter 10 appear to focus on the 6th century which would be during the Babylonian exile. During this time Daniel was offering up prayers to God, seemingly to no avail. Eventually, he is met by a supernatural entity named Gabriel —sent by God— who was "held up" by the Prince of Persia (Daniel 10:12-14). Prince is a title given to supernatural sons of God that were given cosmic geographic jurisdiction over areas of the earth after the Tower of Babel event, which resulted in the spread of humanity across the globe. Each nation had a presiding supernatural overseer. The prince of Persia is not a human prince. Humans can't withstand an archangel and Gabriel mentions another prince, Michael, which appeared to have jurisdiction over ancient Israel —at least at some point— who fights by his side. Where things get really interesting is in Gabriel's message concerning his return. Not only does he originally state he was fighting the prince of Persia, but that he is fighting the prince of Persia so that the prince of Greece may get ushered in to rule. Daniel's supernatural visitor needs to return in order for Persia to be defeated and give rise to Greece. Eventually, Greece also falls and gives rise to Rome —another apocalyptic prophecy called out in the book of Daniel. The rise of Rome sets the stage for the supernatural arrival of the conquering king known as Jesus.
As I mentioned previously, the dating of the book is debatable and depending on one's position it can also be debated that Daniel was given an account of the future. That's a topic for another day. The point that needs special attention, is how the ancient writers viewed the geographical landscape of the cosmic realm in addition to the influence of its participants. This perspective can have massive implications on how we view the world around us and the things happening within our own country if we're willing to concede to this reality. The consequences of rejecting this worldview will only lead to further confusion as to why America and the world at large is experiencing some of the most mind boggling transformations, which appear to be driving humanity towards a rejection of moral objectivity and self-culpability. I believe humanity was created with a sort of sense to know when the creation we were given to govern is out of alignment. Many of us see the world transforming in front of us in such a way that there's no normal, earthly or human explanation. Many of us can recognize that there's been a loss of connection with reality in America alone. Common sense, logic, and even what we see with our own eyes are no longer instruments to be used as a means to know what is true. This is part of the programming. How long can a blind nation last? We will soon find out.
To be honest, I am not convinced America —like Rome— is meant to last a millennium or longer. As much as people like to tout America was built on Christian principles, God didn't establish a covenant with this nation. For the record, America is not a theocracy; it is not a "Christian" nation nor was it ever. And it has always welcomed pagans into its seducing arms.
While I believe that America is not meant to last, I am not saying that this necessarily means another country will invade, plant their flag at our nation's capitol and rename the country. However, what it could mean, is that everything we once knew and believed about America's guiding principles —even though established on a river of blood— becomes a distant memory. It could mean that America, further institutionalizes and centralizes every aspect of its citizen's lives in order to rule with an Orwellian Big Brother fist. It could mean that America takes its seat at the table of the globally unified nations who use their authoritarian power to further control humanity.
America, like many other nations have lost their way. I am reminded of when ancient Israel lost their way and the just punishment they received —the loss of their nation. A corrupt nation that stands tall and mighty is only an oppressor to its people. A global power house with such might becomes an oppressor to the world. Like ancient Israel I am not convinced God should allow such a nation to stand. This has caused me to think heavily about the future of humanity from a long term perspective, but also my own future in the near term. I would suggest everyone run through this same exercise.
I mentioned earlier that America is quite good at molding citizens and fitting them with horse blinders. Over the years I've learned to take them off and see the earth for what it is. The entire planet is our home and the human race has survived by recognizing periods of opportunity and how to take advantage of them. I believe it is incumbent upon everyone to realize where better opportunities for survival may lie. I understand that many people love their nation and hold allegiance to it. But love and allegiance didn't keep Rome from falling. I'm not suggesting that everyone should pack up their bags and leave —I'm not doing that just yet— but I do think it wise to start considering an exit strategy for the survival of one's self and family. Don't get me wrong; while I don't believe America is meant to last for many more centuries to come, I'm not entirely pessimistic about its direction. I'm just not... optimistic. Anything can happen, but I've lived long enough to learn that many things aren't solely controlled by humans. Just like the fall of ancient Israel and just like the collapse of Rome, some things are influenced by powers much greater for purposes we may not understand. In short, it may be time for America to fall.
As America and other nations mutate into Orwellian states only to be shells of their former selves, what is your next move and are you prepared for that possibility? This is a question I believe we all should wrestle with.
Thank you for reading. Feel free to leave comments as I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Phenomenal.... THIS
Also, the question of what should be the next move for me & my family. That is something I’ve thought about a lot the last four years. It is difficult to know the best course of action. I continue praying for divine guidance.