If Kamala Harris is our hero, the Devil is our god.
You will sacrifice everything to be happy.
As I watched and listened to the DNC speech delivered by Kamala Harris —an ingenious and poetically waxed fabrication of reality thrusted upon mind controlled minions— I wondered how on earth we arrived at such a dystopian destination. Mind boggling falls short as an apt description of the situation the United States is currently facing. An individual nominated to be president of what is supposed to be the most powerful nation in the world —this can be debated once you exclude military might— has somehow climbed the ranks without a single vote from the general populous being cast in her favor. We'll just ignore this totalitarian state action and pretend we didn't witness a dictator move. I don't need to recirculate the failures that have followed the Border Czar's career as the internet is rife with these truths. But just as it was when Barack Obama was running for office, it wasn't truth that people wanted. I learned this lesson the hard way back in 2009, when I was told I should vote for him simply because he's black and I'm black. Never-mind the idea of judging people based on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. Something many black people to this day can't stop impulsively parroting like an electronic toy that keeps turning itself on in the middle of the night.
As the musical carried on, Harris sang her beautiful song of lies and the people accepted the sweet poison deep into their hungry souls. Her lying remark about armed protestors being sent to thwart the Capitol on January 6th fell on hardened hearts. The obvious bait trap laid for people of color deceptively couched in name dropping civil rights leaders was swallowed up like baby birds begging for worms. And the pandering to women as if they're treated like second class citizens while bragging about her brown-skinned, 19 year old mom, immigrating to the U.S. completely alone, building a family, obtaining a degree and experiencing middle class life was a master class on how to declare, "I am the puppet master." But no matter how many times we've seen this movie, people keep sacrificing all they have to see it again and again with no results to show for it. And sadly, all that we have to give is the actual price of admission.
But how did we get here?
I started hearing about postmodernism in the early 2000s from Christian apologists who were proselytizing on college campuses. What was being pushed in academia was the idea that truth was ultimately subjective and whatever one believed was only necessarily true for the one holding the belief. A good example of this was the declaration made by Oprah Winfrey that there are many ways to Jesus regardless of what you call God or how you follow Him. Her declaration isn't derived from an objective source of truth but was based in what she wanted to believe was true for everyone else, regardless of what the Bible said. I always thought this was an odd take considering I'm sure the name written on her checks matter. Writing a check to me won't magically make it to her bank account. She's also known to be quite vocal about how her name and brand is represented to the world but never-mind what God thinks about His name or His demands.
I remember engaging in many apologetic debates with non-believers who simply believed that what was true for me was true for me, and what was true for them was true for them. So if they believed upon death that their body would ascend into space to be consumed by a purple two-headed goat, then that was true for them. And if I believed we'd all eventually meet God for ultimate judgement with no goats involved then that was true for me. Evidence be damned.
During this time I noticed what I'd describe as a loss of logic and reason, perpetuated by institutions that were supposed to be the cornerstones of advanced education. It was apparent to me and many others that people were becoming accredited with less intellectual prowess. Simply put, college students were paying large sums of money to be made stupid. But the attacks on logic and reason were necessary for the desired generational shifts within our society to take place. Truth was no longer absolute, as said by many while making an absolute truth statement. I watched this shift take place within the minds of the early millennial generation. During this time I also learned that conversations religious or philosophical in nature were easy pathways to understanding someone's reasoning abilities or lack thereof. I noticed that America was losing this skill as a society and instead started relying solely on fake intellectualism and science as its replacement. Every answer to every question back then was "ScIEnCe saYs So". No thought, no reasoning, no questioning —just accept the science and the emotionalism the sentiment carried. The mantra still exists today. This was the beginning of the great indoctrination of America.
Watching Kamala Harris's speech brought back those memories. A sea of people kneeling at the alter of convenience which provided a foundation for their subjective worldviews. America has long since given up the idea of truth in pursuit of radical individualism. But how these individuals who disregard truth when it’s convenient operate is a bit intriguing. Their movements belie the imagery of unity so often projected. It's akin to the movie Resident Evil —where scores of zombies are really out for themselves but there's a greater benefit to each individual if they can move as a pack. This very same idea began to play out when the LGBTQ+ community hijacked the civil rights movement to bolster their agenda. For decades black people had to hear that their concerns of racism were far overblown —we had a black President after all— but when the gay and lesbian community felt they weren't getting enough traction or support for their worldview, racism was promptly placed on the table and made into a parallel issue. Apparently it is still a raging problem as opined by Oprah Winfrey during her speech at the DNC. Need I remind you she is a black woman with a net worth close to 3 billion USD. The truth is it doesn't matter if a problem actually exists or not. What matters is what people are led to believe.
Another great example of the pack eating its own is the ousting of President Joe Biden by his own party. It's been long known that he wasn't mentally fit to run the nation, however, his party needed a prop to support their greater agenda. A sacrificial lamb if you will. Once his part was fulfilled, he was attacked by his own parasitic party and made to step aside. For the greater good of course.
Sadly, it appears that there is an army of American citizens who simply don't possess the mental fortitude or capability to engage in honest debates or civil discourse that goes beyond how someone feels in any particular moment. Because today, feelings are all that matter and euphoria rules the day.
The postmodernism movement was also a crucial and necessary ingredient for dethroning objective morality in America. If truth is no longer objective and science is the new god, then morality is what we all make it out to be. It means there are no dangers in adults parading in nudity publicly during pride month with children present. It means there is no present danger in irreversibly butchering the body parts of children in the name of the gender identity movement. Opening your borders to take in violent criminals who've been let out of prisons to flood America is a moral good because it shows we are a nation standing against hatred and bigotry. The corrupt government taking more money from the rich through taxation is also a moral good, regardless if the government continues to squander it by refusing to properly allocate it towards necessary resources. And lying is certainly a much appreciated American virtue if its directed towards President Trump while berating him for being a liar. In America, it's ok to lie to get what you want if you believe its for the greater good. Or in other words, lying benefits your own personal situation. This in effect means that reality is whatever we make it to be. It is this common customary way of being that encourages people to seek out their own selfish gain while pretending to operate altruistically. It is evil in every sense of the word.
Evil has become our nation's god. It has been a slow and meticulous grind to indoctrinate a good percentage of our country. This indoctrination has also made its way to other parts of the earth to include Canada, United Kingdom, France, Australia and others. I believe the evil we see sweeping across the world is of a supernatural nature, perpetuated by dark supernatural forces. Such forces that people of modernity have spent much of their lives ignoring or laughing at as archaic ideas belonging to the ignorant age of humanity.
But as the DNC spent days mesmerizing millions of people it became crystal clear to me as to how we arrived at this destination. The countless eyes that were glazed over, enamored not with Kamala's stellar resume —because why does a Presidential candidate need that— but by the fact she's a black woman who can stand as a symbol against the patriarchy. The millions of zombies who stayed up late on the final night, waiting for a Beyonce performance to affirm they're on the right side of history. The promises made by the democratic party cosplaying as "Robinhood" who will fleece the crooked rich and give it all to the poor. The fabricated savior who will give her all in order to fix the moral underpinnings of our nation. It was a speech and a time of epic proportion where celebrities simply told the audience what they wanted to hear, knowing full well the audience is not capable of thinking for themselves and therefore will never hold any of them accountable for when they fail to deliver. And they do plan on failing to deliver.
It is not pessimism to admit the human race and particularly America has reached a point of no return. There are no permanent truth serums to administer to the general public. I am sorry to inform everyone that we are not going to wake up tomorrow as if none of this tomfoolery is taking place. The minds of many people on earth are currently being held captive by entertainment as they scroll endlessly on their devices. These same devices house social applications largely monitored and controlled by big media and government for the purposes of installing new narratives within the human operating system. You and I see this plague which has already captured much of America's youth. The inability to create has been supplanted by the need to consume. This same virus has convinced millions of Americans that it is the government that will provide their fleshly needs. The only thing that it requires is that you sacrifice everything.
The idea of a great correction is one that I believe is a possibility. But this will not come without a great war. A battle between good and evil. A war over humanity. What that war looks like is anyone's guess. But I believe it will be the only chance not just this country, but also many others have in dethroning the powers of supernatural darkness so we may return to a morally objective existence where greater humanity can flourish.
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Excellent piece, sir. I’m your newest sub, once I get to my desktop. Keep ‘em coming. You are doing great stuff.
America has been broken a very long time. To pin it on a president is to miss the point completely. Presidents are just mid-level management for the empire. Literally a waste of energy to get mad at a president or presidential candidate.