Once you notice a tear in the very fabric we call reality, you can’t avoid peeking through the dark curtain.
The mantra I live by is “question everything”. This includes sickness —which we’ve all been taught at an early age to be a normal part of life. While it may be part of life, I’m not convinced the majority of illnesses we face today are in fact normal or naturally occurring afflictions. While there are certain sicknesses that can be contributed to pathogenic —disease or illness causing— bacteria, that doesn’t mean all sicknesses should be assumed to exist as a naturally occurring phenomena. I believe the reason why most people are convinced otherwise is because we’ve been programmed to accept the idea of illness as a necessary reality of the human condition. We’ve all been brainwashed with the ridiculous notion of exposing ourselves to bacteria and viruses in order to “build up” our immune system. We’re taught that getting sick is a good thing. To me, this is lunacy and an outright demonic lie. Common sense argues that not getting sick is a good thing. Furthermore, just because the immune system can be tricked into recognizing 70 different viruses doesn’t make the immune system stronger. If one’s immune system is weak the body can still become gravely ill —sometimes to the brink of death— despite the immune system being able to recognize a legion of viruses. The fact that you may have licked the bathroom floor of a department store when you were 3 yrs of age isn’t going to do squat for you later in life if you find yourself with an autoimmune disorder, where simple stress will throw your body out of wack —leaving you severely vulnerable to practically every illness possible. Children today receive more vaccines —north of 70— than any other time in history yet have the most immune system disorders ever recorded. So much for “more is better”.
As someone who’s had to battle chronic illness for quite some time, I find the flu particularly intriguing. It’s one of those mysteries of life that I feel I’ve never received an adequate answer as to why it exists. Why does the flu magically go full retard around the same time every year —the winter? Why is it that people who stop getting flu shots seem to stop getting the flu altogether? From where does this nightmare originate? How and why does it leap from one person to another with such voracity as it reeks havoc on its unsuspecting victim?
Well I decided that once and for all I was going to spend a bit more time researching flu and cold viruses because frankly —like many narratives in this world— I’m convinced the narrative around these illnesses are false. So like any world genius, I decided to start my research on Google. Besides, if it’s on the internet then it must be true.
Eventually I found myself on Flu.com which I found a bit disturbing because there’s an entire website dedicated to this one virus. Apparently Flu.com exists as an educational resource for those wanting to learn more about the flu —specifically its origins, prevention methods, latest news, and wait for it… available vaccines. I immediately became curious as to who would build such a site.
It turns out that Flu.com is “sponsored” by CSL Seqirus, a biotechnology company and global vaccine provider with manufacturing plants in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. According to their own website, they were created when “their parent company, CSL Limited, acquired the Novartis influenza vaccine business and combined its vaccine subsidiary, bioCSL”. This explains who’s behind the website.
CSL was established in 1916 in Australia and when the Spanish flu struck the country just two years later, CSL was there to deliver 3 million doses of a mixed bacteria vaccine. It wouldn’t be until 1944 that CSL was able to produce an actual influenza vaccine which was then deployed to Australian and British troops. In 1951 the World Health Organization designated CSL as an Influenza Reference Lab to enhance Southern Hemisphere Influenza surveillance. Eventually in 2002 they would expand into the Northern Hemisphere furthering their reach.
Flu Origins
The chief questions that I really wanted answered concern the origin of the flu and how humans contracted the virus. The website goes on to say:
Some scientists hypothesize that humans probably acquired influenza when they began domesticating animals like birds and pigs. The rise of agriculture and permanent settlements provided ideal conditions to trigger a flu epidemic.
We see that scientists have a hypothesis which means they don’t know for sure how humans acquired the virus. I find this hypothesis a bit wanting considering humans have been in close contact with animals well before domestication, evident by the hunter gatherer age. But this doesn’t answer where the flu came from or how humans contracted it.
The authors of the website reference what could be potential evidence of a flu-like virus dating back to antiquity:
In his sixth book of “Epidemics,” the Greek physician Hippocrates describes a highly contagious disease with flu-like symptoms. Modern doctors believe this may be the first reference of influenza (412BC).
However, they also make the following claim:
“While the flu has most likely been around for ages, no definitive historical records exist.”
I decided to read the Epidemics so I could ascertain how the authors were drawing this conclusion. But from what I read, Hippocrates wasn’t describing what we commonly know as the flu. For starters, the illnesses that are described in the Epidemics are actually prevalent in the spring and summer unlike in our day where fall and winter are known as cold and flu season. Hippocrates goes on to say:
The whole season being wet, cold, and northerly, people were, for the most part, healthy during winter; but early in the spring very many, indeed, the greater part, were valetudinary.
Furthermore, what Hippocrates presents are cases that don’t look anything like the flu except the mention of fevers, coughs and chills which existed along side other symptoms. He goes on to describe what he calls a disease with symptoms such as things floating in thick cloudy urine, hemorrhaging from the nose, black bowels, vomiting bile, jaundice, eye squints and many others. This doesn’t sound like the flu or a common cold.
The website makes several other attempts to trace the history of the flu. It references the 1357 “La fluenza” epidemic:
In 1357, people called an epidemic in Florence, Italy “influenza di freddo,” which translates to “cold influence.” This may be a reference to the possible cause of the disease.
Once again we see the use of words such as “may be” and “possible”. So this is another unfounded guess. However, the site goes on to claim that most epidemiologists agree that what took place in 1580 is the earliest recorded influenza outbreak. This means everything that you just read concerning the history of the flu you can pretty much forget. Sorry and your welcome.
It goes on to say this:
Most epidemiologists agree that the 1580 influenza outbreak is the earliest recorded flu pandemic. It began in Asia during the summer before spreading to Africa, Europe, and eventually across the seas to the Americas. While the total death toll is unknown, it killed 8,000 people in Rome.
As I researched into this pandemic I wasn’t able to find a cause for the illness nor are there a lot of details concerning the illness itself. However, there is plenty of information regarding the impact that this mysterious illness had on soldiers over the course of various wars within different empires. This illness would weaken soldiers making it difficult for them to either mount an offense or defense against their enemies. This same theme runs through the 18th and 19th centuries —soldiers falling victim to illness giving their healthy enemy an advantage.
If we fast forward a century things really begin to pick up regarding this illness. In 1918 a new virus strain is discovered and is known as the Spanish flu. This is the deadliest pandemic in the 20th century —decreasing human life expectancy by 12 years. What we know at this point is that there is a flu virus, however, we still don’t know its origin.
In 1957 yet again we get a new strain and more deaths with the Asian Flu. Around this period there was a rise of vaccinations in order to limit the severity and spreading of the illness. The flu would continue to plague humanity in the following years and in 2009 H1N1 —also known as the Swine flu virus— spread which encouraged the CDC and WHO to work together to develop a vaccine.
In the end, Flu.com fell short in explaining the origins of the flu —which was surprising. Not that I’d expect a non-biased origin story from a Pharma supported website. However, I would expect a story. I decided to pivot slightly to researching the common cold since the symptoms are similar. My thinking was that it could put me in the ballpark concerning the origin of flu-like viruses.
The Common Cold
While researching the common cold virus, I found a study from 2008 that suggests this illness is a recent phenomena —arriving just 200 years ago:
A virus that causes cold-like symptoms in humans originated in birds and may have crossed the species barrier around 200 years ago, according to an article in the Journal of General Virology. Scientists hope their findings will help us understand how potentially deadly viruses emerge in humans.
Once again we’re left without a smoking gun. This particular virus —the Human Metapneumovirus, or HMPV— like certain flu viruses, also purportedly started with birds, yet only 200 years ago. This study had some interesting findings:
"Human metapneumovirus may be the second most common cause of lower respiratory infection in young children. Studies have shown that by the age of five, virtually all children have been exposed to the virus and re-infections appear to be common," said Professor Dr Fouchier.
"We have identified sites on some virus proteins that we can monitor to help identify future dominant strains of the virus."
Human metapneumovirus is related to the respiratory syncytial virus, measles, mumps and parainfluenza viruses.
It infects people of all ages but is most common in children under five.
Symptoms include runny nose, cough, sore throat and fever. Infection can also lead to more severe illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia, which can result in hospitalisation, especially in infants and immunocompromised patients.
Coincidentally, the symptoms related to HMPV seem very similar to those of the flu. But out of all this, I couldn’t find a smoking gun. It seemed as if there wasn’t an origin for the flu or colds. No matter how hard I attempted to press on this issue the matrix just spit back the same answers —that the flu virus exists and that scientists “think, may have, possibly” started with animals. But this wasn’t what I was asking. I wanted the origin story for the virus itself, not just who caught it first —the animals. For example, how did the animals get it?
While there’s no actual cure or causation for these viruses there are plenty of colorful sweetened remedies sold to the general public. It is expected that the global OTC Cold, Cough and Allergy industry will reach $66 billion in growth by 2032. It is currently at $42 billion. When comparing the revenue generated globally, the United States leads with US$11.19 billion as of 2024. The global influenza vaccine market is expected to reach $17 bil by 2032. There’s a lot of money being made to mitigate the symptoms of illnesses that apparently have no origin and no cure.
Despite being left empty-handed I’m not one to give up. I lucked up and found an archived paper by David R. Wessner, Ph.D. published in Nature Education written in 2010. His paper outlined three competing theories as to the origin of viruses:
The progressive, or escape, hypothesis postulates that viruses evolved from sections of DNA or RNA that “escaped” from the genes of larger entities. In this way, they gained the ability to become independent and move between cells.
The regressive, or reduction, hypothesis suggests that viruses started as independent free-living organisms that became parasitic —needing a host in order to replicate— after losing genetic information over time.
The virus-first hypothesis suggests that viruses may have been the first replicating entities on earth. They eventually evolved to become more complex and enzymes for the synthesis of membranes and cell walls evolved, resulting in the formation of cells.
This paper from 2010 still left me without a clear explanation for the origin(s) of viruses as the conclusion was simply more theories that competed with each other. History has shown that when a new viral disease emerges, determining its origin is always a guessing game. For instance, experts believe SARS-CoV-2 originated in bats and then spilled over into humans. It seems it’s always the same story —nobody knows, but it probably came from an animal with wings. What we do know, is that these pathogenic viruses exist and we also understand how they work. But unlike pathogenic bacteria, they seem to have literally appeared out of thin air.
The Evolutionary Advantage
I question the evolutionary advantage of theories that try to explain how things in nature work —particularly when I believe they lack coherence.
One such theory is that viruses exist to control the population of species. However, this seems to require a sentient state of being for these entities considered to be non-living, or at a minimum for nature to be sentient and therefore commissions these entities to do its bidding.
People love to anthropomorphize nature to “explain” how nature works but nature isn’t a sentient being. To simply say, “viruses exist to cull the human population” is to present the notion of purpose. Who specifically determines the purpose for culling the human population and to what degree? Furthermore, how would this benefit the virus? How does killing off the host that the virus inhabits ensure the survival of the virus? If the virus were to spread to all of humanity with the goal of eradicating every human, the virus would eventually die as well. For the theory of population control to be true, viral entities must be working as a collective unit towards one common goal, at the expense of themselves and under the direction of a sentient purposeful being. While some scientists attempt to suggest that population control could be a result of viral activity, that certainly can’t be used to argue that must be the purpose for their existence.
Another common idea within scientific circles is that pathogenic viruses simply operate based on their coding like little machines —supporting the idea that viruses are essentially non-living entities. I struggle with this idea as well as it implicitly posits that viruses are an anomaly in the world as they operate in a dysfunctional destructive manner. If they were derived naturally as some sort of aberration of evolution I find it complexing that nature hasn’t course corrected it. Nature appears to operate in such a way that keeps balance and harmony, providing healing where necessary. I struggle with the idea that naturally occurring pathogenic viruses get to roam free and unchecked unless humans step in with vaccines which don’t appear to stop them anyway.
While we’re taking a look at pathogenic viruses such as those like influenza, it must be stated that there are actually good viruses. One such virus that appears to keep the planet alive are called bacteriophages or phages for short —operating like predators— that devour bacteria. Bacteriophages keep harmful bacteria under control within different ecosystems, only attacking certain strains. Bacteriophages are harmless to humans and are considered a new weapon in the fight against antibiotic-resistant, pathogenic, and biofilm-forming bacteria. Phages are different from the flu and cold virus as the latter don’t appear to exist as a benefit to the planet. Meaning, their absence doesn’t appear to be detrimental to the world we live in. The cold and flu virus like any other pathogenic virus have one objective which is to bring destruction to their host. These pathogenic viruses don’t exist to kill other pathogenic entities within the host, thus providing a benefit to the host. Instead, they are the Kamakazi pilots of the viral world, annihilating themselves and anyone else involved.
All of this brings me to a certain disposition on viruses. I believe pathogenic viruses are actually created. Sure, I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. I remember watching the interview of RFK Jr. on Tucker Carlson’s show where RFK Jr. mentioned that he believes immunizations are created to mitigate the blowback from bioweapon leaks out into the world. This may sound like crazy talk until you think about what happened across the globe starting in 2019 and the result that followed. The outbreak came from a biolab in China. Then big pharma decided to create a mitigation solution.
Back in 1962 there were only 5 immunizations required by the CDC. Now there are over 70 with many of them containing ingredients such as neurotoxins, aborted fetal cells and contaminated DNA. But despite these facts the supposed “health experts” have determined that the risk of exposure to such substances are low. The larger question we need to ask is, “what has happened over the last 60 years that has required an increase in immunization development?” And if this doesn’t make you question the matrix, ask yourself why Congress passed a measure in 1986 to remove all liability for immunization related injuries from manufacturers. It’s as if our government was clearing the runway.
When you look at how bioweapons have been used over the centuries the topic becomes more interesting. Dating back to the 1100s you’ll find events like the Emperor Barbarossa poisoning water wells with human bodies in Tortona, Italy. In the 1300s you have the Mongols catapulting bodies of plague victims over the city walls of Caffa in the Crimean Peninsula. And in 1495 the Spanish mixed wine with the blood of leprosy patients to sell to their French foes in Naples, Italy. These are just a few examples but there are plenty more.
Over the years biowarfare has become more sophisticated. Pathogens have been exploited and then engineered to be made more deadly. They’re then used as weapons and we saw a proliferation of this during the time of the 1st and 2nd World Wars. Examples such as anthrax, the Marburg virus which was part of the Soviet bioweapons program, Tularemia, Cholera, Encephalitis, food poisoning, Glanders, Tyhpus and many others. All of these were exploited and engineered for weapons use. That’s right, sickness used as a weapon to incapacitate an army or an entire society.
It’s currently believed that there’s a bioweapons arms race taking place, chiefly between China and United States. This from the Washington Times earlier this year:
Recent virology studies “demonstrate that China is now able to operate its own dual-use virology research agenda on-shore and without international inputs or considerations,” according to a new report by the Chinese Communist Party Biothreats Initiative, a think tank.
“China now has robust domestic capabilities that potentially provide Beijing with a range of asymmetric options against perceived adversaries,” the report said.
China has been known to be militarily outgunned compared to the US by conventional means and bioweapons level the playing field a bit. Despite the lab outbreak in China they’re still continuing high-risk pathogen research on SARS-CoV-2.
But this isn’t really frightening. I mean, it’s not good, but it can be much worse. Ask me how much worse. Nanobyte technology worse. Also from the report covered by the Washington Times:
China’s nanotechnology research is also linked to military capabilities that include weaponizing nanomedicine, tiny robots and autonomous weapons, the report said. These arms can include “nano-bioinformatics for biological warfare, nano-cyber biological weapons, covert assassination and targeted biological warfare,” the report said.
If this wasn’t enough, it is believed that China has the largest stock of bioweapons on the planet. And while China is gearing up for an extinction level event, the Pentagon has implemented a strategy to also leverage advanced technology. According to the report, the Pentagon’s Defense Science Board is working on developing new strategic weapons and capabilities that will provide asymmetric advantages for continued U.S. military “operational dominance.” This pretty much sounds like the nuclear arms race all over again.
All of this is happening unbeknownst to the average citizen. This is why when someone like President Putin starts making claims about the existence of biolabs in Ukraine people think he’s making things up. However, the Pentagon has admitted that it has operated 46 biolabs in Ukraine handling dangerous pathogens, after previously dismissing the charges as Russian propaganda.
Despite the existence of the Biological Weapons Convention which is a legally binding treaty that outlaws the creation of biological arms, no verification or inspection procedures to verify compliance exists. Any state or country with enough capital can spin up a bioweapons program in secret. It’s literally the “wild wild west”. The runway effectively cleared for all countries who participate in creating bioweapons technology.
Now when I look at all of this it’s obvious to me that as a human race, we’re on a certain trajectory that doesn’t end well. It’s apparent that we keep creating technology that is always posed as an augmentation to human life, only for it to end up endangering our very existence. Our love for technology has become parasitic in a way. But more on that at another time.
So we’re left with one major question at this point. If what I’m claiming is true —that pathogenic viruses are really bioweapons— and I 100% believe they are, “what can we do about it?” While I can’t tell you what to do, I can tell you that I’m doing whatever I can to keep science experiments out of my body and away from my family. For me, there are too many concerns that signal we’re trapped in some sort of 1984 nightmare, ruled by a government that is beyond the pale of honesty.
For me, the math isn’t math-ing. The billions of dollars raked in by Big Pharma to medicate contagious people with OTC drugs; the billions made from immunizations; the rapid increase in immunization delivery to the general public; the lack of liability in the event anything goes wrong; the absence of an evidence based origin story the scientific community can agree upon; the lack of bioweapons oversight; the fact that countries have been using bioweapons in warfare for centuries; the lack of cures for our viruses; the lack of an evolutionary advantage for the existence of pathogenic viruses and the earth’s inability to eradicate them; what happened at the Wuhan lab in 2019 and let’s not forget the bioweapons arms race between nations.
Am I buying the notion that pathogenic viruses are a natural phenomena of our world? No, and you shouldn’t either.
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